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Atttachment B 23 <br /> Triangle Regional Transit Prograin ''s <br /> Durham-Orange Alternative 2 (from Duke Medical Center to Downtown Raleigh)was average in <br /> terms of socio-economic and strong in land-use factors, but not strong in terms of mobility and <br /> costs. Cost-effectiveness would improve if costs could be reduced. The ridership may have <br /> been low in part because the ridership model assumed light rail-type service rather than <br /> commuter rail-type service, which may be more appropriate for this corridor. For this initial <br /> study, costs assumed light rail transit, which is significantly more expensive than commuter rail, <br /> which uses primarily existing infrastructure. If connecting the region is a high priority over <br /> maximizing the potential for federal funds, then consideration should be given to this alternative. <br /> However, if federal funds are achieved with the other, better performing corridors as noted <br /> above, then full build out towards Wake Forest and Chapel Hill will occur sooner. If these <br /> corridors fail to be competitive for federal funds, then the decision can be revisited on which <br /> corridor to advance into preliminary engineering. The opportunity for Federal funding will <br /> become evident relatively soon after the New Starts submittal in the fall of 2011. <br /> Transitional Analysis ES-8 DRAFT <br /> 9/24/10 <br />