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Each report covers an alignment plan and profile information about the attributes of different <br />technologies [i.e. Light Rail (LRT), Bus Rail Transit High and Low (i.e. BRT-H &BRT-L)], cost <br />estimates, travel time, traffic analyses, and assessment of station's capacity for potential transit <br />oriented development. <br />A recommendation from Triangle Transit and their consultant URS for the most appropriate <br />initial fixed guideway transit investment, known as the Locally Preferred Alternative (LPA) for <br />each corridor, is also included on Page 3-46 of the last report. In July 2011, the multivolume <br />reports for each of the corridors (i.e. Durham-Orange and Durham-Wake) were posted along <br />with all of the other information generated through the AA process: <br />In late August, 2011, as a result of ongoing technical evaluation, public involvement and <br />discussions with government agencies, the MPOs and other key stakeholders, an Addendum <br />was prepared for each of the Detailed Definition of Alternatives Technical Reports. This <br />additional information is also posted on the aforementioned project web site. <br />Triangle Transit has stated that the LPA must be approved by the Durham Chapel Hill Carrboro <br />(DCHC) Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) Transportation Advisory Committee (TAC) <br />by mid-February 2012 to make the deadline for federal New Starts applications (mid-August <br />2012). <br />At its November 15, 2011 meeting the BOCC received a presentation on the Triangle Regional <br />Transit Program -Alternatives Analysis (AA) and the Locally Preferred Alternative (LPA) and <br />the BOCC identified additional information for upcoming work sessions. <br />Since the December 8th 2011 Special Transit Work Session, county staff has met with a <br />majority of the Commissioners and compiled a list of questions concerning the Alternatives <br />Analysis and the Locally Preferred Alternative. The questions are organized into general <br />categories including ridership, commuting patterns, the preferred corridor (including Orange <br />County economic development potential) and technology (i.e. LRT vs. BRT) and submitted to <br />TTA on Friday afternoon, January 20, 2012 for their responses for the January 24, 2012 regular <br />BOCC meeting. TTA was not able to respond in writing at that time but pledged to have <br />answers by noon on Thursday, February 2, 2012. In the absence of a response, Orange <br />County staff makes the following comments: <br />Attachment A. Questions Regarding the Orange County Transit Plan as it Relates to the <br />Alternatives Analysis and Locally Preferred Alternative and TTA responses received <br />Thursday 2/2/12 at 5:OOpm. Staff will comment on this information prior to the meeting. <br />NEW BUSINESS <br />The agenda item relates to the following: <br />• Transitional Analysis Report of 9/24/10 <br />• Purpose and Need Report of 12/9/10 <br />• Volume1: Detailed Definition of Alternatives Technical Report of July 2011 prepared by <br />consultant URS prepared for Triangle Transit <br />The Locally Preferred Alternative (LPA) and AA includes intertwined 3 facets that are specific to <br />the Durham-Orange County Corridor and Study Area: <br />