Orange County NC Website
15 <br /> 2. The AA notes the higher acquisition of properties for BRT High and Low versus <br /> LRT on page 3-25 and 27. If BRT can be designed within the scheduled or <br /> current expansion of existing road corridors of 15-501 and/or NC 54 as either <br /> HOV, dedicated bus way, mixed traffic or bus on shoulder (BOSS) why is BRT <br /> reported as having higher property impacts? <br /> On page 3-26 of the AA report for the Durham-Orange corridor, the report states: <br /> "The BRT-High Alternative is expected to have the same property impacts as the <br /> LRT Alternative from Chapel Hill to west Durham," which naturally includes the <br /> entire portion of the line in Orange County. The primary area where a BRT <br /> alternative increases property acquisitions is in West to Central Durham, where <br /> an expanded construction of Pettigrew Street would require taking land and <br /> buildings. <br /> There are significant challenges to BRT implementation on existing roadways on <br /> NC 54 or 15-501, including the following: <br /> 1. NCDOT owns both of these roads and has plans for them that are detailed <br /> in the TIP and other planning documents that likely preclude the option of <br /> putting bus only lanes in the right-of-way. <br /> 2. HOV lanes are rarely, if ever placed on arterial-style corridors such as NC <br /> 54 and 15-501; they are nearly always placed on freeways. Every HOV <br /> facility in North Carolina that is either built, previously studied, or currently <br /> under study to our knowledge is on a freeway facility. Therefore, HOV <br /> infrastructure is almost incompatible with these roads and their many <br /> access points and curb cuts. Additionally, there is no funding for HOV <br /> lanes in our region for the foreseeable future. Due to the lack of funding for <br /> HOV lanes, any managed lane facilities are likely to be toll roads such as <br /> the Triangle Parkway. However, these types of projects also face <br /> challenges since tolling on existing facilities is currently illegal under NC <br /> state law. <br /> 3. The Bus On Shoulder System (BOSS) is not compatible with NC 54 or 15- <br /> 501; it is a system principally designed for interstate-style freeways or <br /> expressways. <br /> Finally, it should be noted that the AA documents are structured to compare <br /> the alternatives that have been studied, not those that are not likely to be <br /> feasible for reasons such as 1, 2 and 3 above. <br /> 3. The September 3, 2010 `white paper' from TTA regarding the Triangle Regional <br /> Transit Program and the Durham-Orange Corridor notes that "The Town <br /> requested that Alignment 3 (i.e. 15-501) be considered since (a) over 10 years <br /> Page 7of13 <br />