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13 <br /> Research Triangle Park area that are not served via the regional transit plan. <br /> Should there be two fixed routes to serve this unique condition? <br /> A fixed guideway transit investment between Chapel Hill and RTP is not <br /> warranted by the travel demand. This question was addressed by both the <br /> Special Transit Advisory Commission in 2008 and the DCHC-MPO 2035 LRTP <br /> planning process, neither of which recommended fixed guideway investment <br /> between Chapel Hill and RTP. <br /> Page A-9 of the STAC report provides the most succinct comparison of the <br /> Chapel Hill/RTP corridor with corridors selected for major transit investment in <br /> the LRTP. Here are some relevant statistics from page A-9 on in-corridor trips per <br /> acre, which best describes the propensity of a corridor transit investment to <br /> capture trips and generate ridership: <br /> In-Corridor Trips Per Acre (2035): <br /> • Central Raleigh to North Raleigh: 23 trips/acre <br /> • Durham to Chapel Hill: 20 trips/acre <br /> • Durham to Patterson Place: 21 tripslacre <br /> • Chapel Hill to Patterson Place: 33 trips/acre <br /> • Chapel Hill to RTP: 9 trips/acre <br /> 3. Will the increases in park and ride spaces at Gateway and Patterson Place be <br /> sufficient for commuters traveling from south Durham and western Wake County <br /> along 1-40 and will it be difficult for commuters to drive 3 miles past their <br /> destination route of NC 54 to UNC to back track with LRT along the same 1-40 <br /> route? <br /> This question is based on the same misunderstandings about the level of finality <br /> of park and ride-planning in both the AA and NC 54 study processes. See the <br /> previous question on this issue on page 2 for more details. <br /> 4. The corridors could be (and not in order of importance): <br /> a. Martin Luther King, as suggested in the existing OCTP but needs further <br /> cost refinement and timed to address the north-south needs of Chapel Hill <br /> Township and Carolina North with potential interlined use of the <br /> Hillsborough 420 route. <br /> - b. 15-501 corridor which would service the needs of Chapel Hill and <br /> Carrboro residents to businesses in the Orange County corridor as well as <br /> employment connections further northeast to Durham. The AA supports <br /> Page 5 of 13 <br />