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ORANGE COUNTY <br />BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br />ACTION AGENDA ITEM ABSTRACT <br />Meeting Date: February 7, 2012 <br />Action Agenda <br />Item No. B-c <br />SUBJECT: Orange-Durham County Corridor, Triangle Regional Transit Program - <br />Alternatives Analysis and the Locall Preferred Alternative Decision <br />DEPARTMENT: BOCC, Manager's Office & Planning PUBLIC HEARING: (Y/N) 0 <br />ATTACHMENT(S): <br />A. Questions Regarding the Orange <br />County Transit Plan Alternatives <br />Analysis and Locally Preferred <br />Alternative and TTA Responses <br />B. Eval. Criteria Summary (Durham- <br />- Orange Counties) <br />C. UNC D Alignment <br />D. C1/C2 Alignments <br />E1 and E2. Monograph <br />F. Summary of Detailed Alternatives <br />Eval. (with OC Staff Notes) <br />G., H., I., J. Misc. Supporting Maps <br />K. Draft Resolution <br />INFORMATION CONTACT: <br />Frank W Clifton, Manager-245-2300 <br />Craig Benedict, Planning Director- <br />245-2575 <br />PURPOSE: To receive additional information and questions on the Triangle Regional Transit <br />Program -Alternatives Analysis (AA) and the Locally Preferred Alternative (LPA) and to <br />approve a recommendation providing guidance to commissioner representatives on the DCHC <br />MPO and TTA Boards. <br />BACKGROUND: Last year (May 19, June 7, Nov 15 and Dec 8) the BOCC held a work <br />session and regular meeting regarding the Triangle Regional Transit Program (TRTP) and the <br />localized Orange County Transit Plan (OCTP) and also known as the Orange County Bus and <br />Rail Investment Plan (OCBARIP). <br />The Alternatives Analysis (AA) for the Triangle Regional Transit Program projects in the <br />Durham-Orange, Durham-Wake and Wake County Corridors were completed in July 2011. The <br />findings and recommendations developed through the AA process are contained in three <br />reports: <br />(1) Transitional Analysis - 9/24/10, <br />(2) Purpose and Need Report - 12/9/10, and <br />(3) Volume 1: Detailed Definition of Alternatives Technical Report - 7/2011. <br />