Orange County NC Website
4 <br />• Support the reauthorization of the Farm Bill and Priority for Rural Development <br />Programs. <br />• Work to eliminate the federal health benefits "inmate exception" for persons in county <br />jails and detention centers who are in custody pending disposition of charges. <br />• Maintain the original federal-state-local partnership for financing and delivering Medicaid <br />and social services, and oppose measures that will shift Medicaid and social service <br />costs to counties. <br />• Maintain full funding for Payments in Lieu Of Taxes (PICT), Secure Rural Schools (SRS) <br />programs and Community Self-Determination Act. <br />• Reauthorize aviation and surtace transportation programs. <br />• Oppose unfunded mandates and preemptions. <br />Please plan to attend N.C. Congressional Breakfast on Wednesday, March 7, <br />Washington, D.C. <br />As a reminder, the NACo Legislative Conference will be held Saturday -Wednesday, March 3- <br />7, at the Washington Hilton Hotel in Washington, D.C. Please complete conference and hotel <br />registrations as soon as possible to ensure your stay at the Washington Hilton. <br />NACo's conference schedule should allow convenient participation by our Congressional <br />delegation. The opening educational sessions are on Monday, March 5, beginning at 9 a.m., <br />with the concluding event being visits to Capitol Hill on Wednesday morning. Pre-conference <br />workshops, steering committees and affiliate meetings will start on Saturday, March 3. <br />NCACC members will caucus on Monday, March 5, from 4 - 5:30 p.m. NCACC will host a state <br />reception for N.C. attendees from 5:30 - 6:30 p.m. <br />On Wednesday, March 7, the NCACC will sponsor its annual Congressional Breakfast from 8 - <br />9:30 a.m. in the Capitol Hill Club, 300 First Street SE. <br />We also suggest that our commissioners schedule individual meetings with their Congressional <br />delegation following the statewide breakfast, or at other times convenient to your <br />representatives. Registration materials for the breakfast will be sent out in early February, but <br />please schedule your conference travel plans to accommodate the breakfast and Capitol Hill <br />visits. <br />2012 Congressional Issues Proposal Form <br />Name: <br />Issue: <br />County: <br />Description: <br />