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3 <br />Directors at its Feb. 22 meeting for consideration and approval for inclusion into the <br />2012 Congressional issues packet. The Board will assess each issue based on its statewide <br />county government impact and whether Congressional action is imminent. <br />NCACC asks that you review NCACC's 2011 Congressional Issues of Interest to Counties <br />and NACo's 2012 Legislative Priorities. <br />For your information, the NCACC Board of Directors approved the following statewide federal <br />issues for 2011. Please find these listed below, along with a legislative status of each <br />issue, based on any action by the 112th Congress: <br />2011 Congressional Issues for North Carolina Counties <br />• Issue: Oppose Federal Budget Cuts to Counties without Corresponding Cuts in <br />Federal Mandates <br />o Status: The Budget Control Act of 2011 sets deficit reduction targets of $841 <br />billion for discretionary spending caps and $1.2 trillion for the Super Committee's <br />deficit reduction plan. Since the committee could not reach consensus, and <br />barring further congressional action, sequestration is scheduled to begin Jan 2, <br />2013, leading to automatic across-the-board spending cuts of $2 trillion over 9 <br />years, half from defense and half from non-defense discretionary spending. 14% <br />cuts are projected for 2013, unless further legislative action is taken. <br />• Issue: Support County Government Preference for Service Delivery <br />• Issue: Support Remote Sales Tax Collection <br />o Status: 3 bills have been introduced to move forward collection of remote sales <br />taxes, taxes already due and payable. The Main Street Fairness Act (S. 1452) <br />and its House Companion H.R. 2701 would codify the Streamlined Sales Tax <br />Agreement. The Marketplace Fairness Act (S. 1832) provides 2 options for <br />remote sales tax collection: the Streamlined Sales and Use Tax Agreement and <br />an alternative where states may collect after adopting minimum simplification <br />requirements. NC is in compliance with the SSTA and has been a governing <br />board member since inception. <br />• Issue: Oppose New EPA Ozone Standards for Primary and Secondary <br />Designations <br />o Status: President Obama instructed EPA to withdraw the draft Ozone National <br />Ambient Air Quality Standards in early September, awaiting an update to the <br />2006 science review for reconsideration of the ozone standard in 2013. <br />Issue: Oppose Federal Preemption of State Law Regulating Collective <br />Bargaining of Public Employees <br />o Status: No legislation to preempt public employee collective bargaining has <br />moved. <br />Also for your information, please find following NACo's 2012 legislative priorities, as <br />adopted by the NACo Board of Directors at its December 2011 meeting. <br />• Promote a balanced approach to deficit reduction. Protect county programs during <br />budget deficit reduction and appropriation considerations. Balance includes looking at <br />discretionary, defense and entitlement spending, and revenue enhancements. <br />