Orange County NC Website
2 <br />To: County Chairmen <br />cc: County Managers, County Clerks <br />/SStlES: <br />• NCACC solicits your county's help in identifying those federal issues of statewide <br />importance to atl counties <br />• NCACC asks that you review NCACC's 2011 Congressional Issues of Interest to <br />Counties and NACo's 2012 Legislative Priorities <br />• NCACC's Board of Directors will vote Feb. 22 to determine which issues to present to <br />N.C. Congressional delegation during NACo's Legislative Conference, March 3-7, <br />Washington, D.C. <br />ACTIONS NEEDED: <br />• Please submit your county's federal issues of statewide importance to all counties to <br />NCACC by Friday, Feb. 10 (see below for submission instructions) <br />• Please plan to attend N.C. Congressional Breakfast on Wednesday, March 7, <br />Washington, D.C. <br />NCACC solicits your county's help in identifying those federal issues of statewide <br />importance to all counties. <br />In preparation for the upcoming NACo Legislative Conference and the scheduled <br />Congressional breakfast with North Carolina delegates, NCACC is soliciting federal issues of <br />interest to your county that are statewide in nature. <br />Each year, Association staff members compile Congressional issue papers for distribution to our <br />Congressional delegation and their staff. These issue papers, adopted by the NCACC Board of <br />Directors, identify and summarize our counties' concerns regarding specific federal legislation <br />and administrative rule-making that impact North Carolina county government. <br />Please submit your county's federal issues of statewide importance to NCACC by Friday, <br />Feb. 10. <br />We recognize that there are many potential issues, but we ask that you submit only 1-2 issues <br />of the highest priority so that we may better focus our efforts. <br />Please fill out the issues form below for each proposal, and reply to this email with your <br />county's proposals. Prospective federal issues will be presented to the NCACC Board of <br />