Orange County NC Website
9 <br />4. Advisory board members will be issued a manual and should become familiar with <br />its contents. <br />B. Operating Expenses <br />1. Members, when in service on the board, are not employees of Orange County. <br />2. Members serve in a voluntary capacity and shall receive monetary compensation or <br />reimbursement only per standard county policy and with Orange County Board of <br />Commissioners approval. <br />3. Members shall receive no financial or employee benefits from the County unless <br />authorized by another section of this policy and specifically approved by the Orange <br />County Board of Commissioners. <br />4. The County will provide office supplies and' assume responsibility for other <br />reasonable expenses necessary for the operation of the board. <br />C. Confidentiality <br />1. The Chair shall serve as the spokesperson for the advisory board. <br />2. Except for the Chair, no member of the advisory board'. shall make any written or <br />oral statement of any confidential matter to any individual, business, or agency. A <br />violation of this section will result in that member's immediate removal from the <br />advisory board. <br />3. Members of the advisory board may .receive information regarding personnel <br />matters and other information of a sensitive or confidential nature. It shall be the <br />duty and responsibility of each member to respect and maintain the confidentiality <br />of client issues presented. before-the. board. Neither the advisory board nor any <br />individual member shall disseminate. confidential information received during <br />advisory board meetings. <br />4. Advisory board members afemay be required to sign confidentiality statements as <br />necessary and will be removed from the advisory board upon violation of the <br />confidentiality agreement. <br />I, (' r-~f~r~nr~+~-+~~+„ l~nrnn mnn+ <br />r riF'r~! +'~I rtn in rrimnn}..I inf~rm~+}inn '~;~~ <br />SECTION VI. MEETINGS <br />A. Regular Meetings <br />1. All meetings are to be open to the public as required by the applicable North <br />Carolina General Statutes. <br />2. Unless otherwise specified, public meetings will follow the standard rules of <br />procedure defined by the Orange County Board of Commissioners. <br />3. The advisory board members shall determine the date, time, and place for each <br />meeting, consistent with the guidelines below. <br />a. Regular advisory board and subcommittee meetings. <br />i. The advisory board convenes upon call of the Chair and meets on <br />schedule as established by the specific advisory board policy. <br />Page 8 of 14 <br />