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5 <br />2. Appointments to advisory boards will be initiated with a public application process <br />from individuals, advisory boards, or community and professional organizations. <br />3. All appointments to advisory boards will be made by the Orange County Board of <br />Commissioners. <br />a. The Orange County Board of Commissioners may elect to interview <br />applicants to certain advisory boards. <br />b. In the event the Orange County Board of Commissioners conducts such <br />interviews the advisory board to which the applicant seeks appointment <br />may identify and suggest interview questions to the Orange County Board of <br />Commissioners. <br />4. No person appointed to an Orange County advisory board shall serve on that board <br />for more than two consecutive terms of three years each. <br />5. The Orange County Board of Commissioners may direct the Clerk to the Board of <br />County Commissioners to establish an orientation program for certain advisory or <br />other boards. <br />6. Extension of a member's term.- may be approved by the Orange County Board of <br />Commissioners if it is determined that it is in the best interest of Orange County to <br />allow an individual to continue to serve. <br />E. Term <br />1. Each appointed advisory board member shall hold office until the qualification and <br />appointment of his or her successor or until one year has elapsed since the <br />expiration of the term for which the member was appointed, whichever first occurs. <br />No person-shall serve as an appointed member of an advisory board for more than <br />two. consecutive terms of three years. <br />2. In,order to establish staggered terms the original voting members of the advisory <br />board shall be appointed as follows: <br />a. .One- third fora one year term. <br />b. One-third for a two year term. <br />c. One third for a three year term. <br />d. Thereafter, each newly appointed voting member shall serve for a three <br />year term. <br />3. Advisory board members whose terms are due to expire may request they be <br />appointed to a second term or be asked to accept a second term appointment to <br />the position. <br />4. Notwithstanding section III(E)(1) above the membership of any advisory board <br />member whom the Orange County Board of Commissioners decline to appoint to a <br />second term shall immediately terminate upon the expiration of their term. <br />5. Advisory board members may not serve concurrently on more than two (2) Orange <br />County advisory boards. This restriction does not impact an individual's service on <br />boards and commissions that are not Orange County advisory boards or short term <br />task forces or work groups. <br />F. Resignation <br />1. If a member wishes to resign, the member shall submit the resignation in writing to <br />the Chair of the advisory board on which the member serves and the Clerk to the <br />Board of Orange County Commissioners, noting the effective date of the <br />resignation. <br />Page 4 of 14 <br />