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10 <br />ii. Subcommittee meeting dates shall be set by the subcommittee <br />Chairs and shall be scheduled in conjunction with advisory board <br />meetings. <br />iii. A schedule of all meeting dates, times, and places shall be properly <br />posted in accord with North Carolina Law and delivered to the Clerk <br />to the Board. <br />B. Special Meetings <br />1. A majority of advisory board members or the Chair may call special meetings at any <br />time for any specific business. Special meetings shall be convened at a location <br />selected by the Chair. <br />2. All called special meetings shall be noticed in accord with North Carolina Law and <br />delivered to the Clerk to the Board. <br />C. Emergency Meetings <br />1. A majority of advisory board members or the Chair may call a meeting in emergency <br />circumstances by providing telephone notice to media outlets at least one hour <br />prior to the meeting. <br />2. An emergency situation includes a disaster that severely impairs the public's health <br />or safety. In the event telephone services are not working, notice that the meetings <br />occurred must be given as soon as possible after the meeting in accord with North <br />Carolina Law and by delivery to the Clerk to the Board. <br />D. Notice of Meetings Generally <br />1. Notice of advisory board meetings, including public hearings and appeals if <br />applicable, and agendas shall be made available to all members and interested <br />parties,. and to any person who requests such notice, at least ten (10) days in <br />advance of the meeting by a-mail and by posting on the Orange County government <br />website. <br />2. All applicable notice requirements established by North Carolina law shalt be <br />followed. <br />E. Agendas <br />1. Board members and/or staff members slas-u~-shall submit agenda items to the <br />Chair and staff for consideration at least tea-fifteen (-1815) days prior to a scheduled <br />meeting. <br />2. The agenda must provide a description of each item of business to be transacted or <br />discussed so that interested members of the public will be capable of understanding <br />the nature of each agenda item. <br />3. As a general rule, only those items appearing on the agenda will be discussed or <br />voted on. However, if an item is raised by a member of the public, the advisory <br />board may accept public comment and discuss the item so long as no action is taken <br />until a subsequent meeting. <br />4. With the Chair's agreement, the designated staff will develop and distribute to each <br />member an agenda listing the matters to be considered at upcoming advisory board <br />meetings. Also, so far as practicable, copies of all written reports that are to be <br />presented to the advisory board for members' review will be included in this <br />package at least ten (10) days before the meeting. <br />Page 9 of 14 <br />