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ORANGE COUNTY <br />BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br />ACTION AGENDA ITEM ABSTRACT <br />Meeting Date: February 7, 2012 <br />Action Agenda <br />Item No. ~-q <br />SUBJECT: Timeline for the Emer enc Services Work roup <br />DEPARTMENT: County Manager PUBLIC HEARING: (Y/N) No <br />ATTACHMENT(S): <br />INFORMATION CONTACT: <br />Michael Talbert, Assistant County <br />Manager, 245-2308 <br />PURPOSE: To provide to the Board a timeline for the Emergency Services Workgroup. <br />BACKGROUND: On November 17, 2011 the Board of Orange County Commissioners met to <br />discuss with staff several issues and recommendations to enhance the delivery of emergency <br />services. Staff presented: 1) Review of the VIPER Original Design and Implementation and <br />Strategies to Improve Coverage and Capacity; 2) E911 Center Improvement Plan; 3) <br />Discussion with the Board of County Commissioners Regarding Plans to Improve the <br />Emergency Medical Services Delivery System; 4) Review of Fire Department Issues Relating to <br />Fire Protection Districts, Fire Insurance Districts and Fire Tax Districts as Related to Property <br />Insurance Ratings; and 5) Summary of .Financial Implications to Provide Emergency Services <br />Coverage, Capacity and System Improvements. <br />On December 13, 2011 the Board directed staff to bring a plan back for consideration that <br />established a workgroup to provide recommendations for Board action to improve overall public <br />safety service levels and improved fire insurance coverage for County homeowners. <br />On January 24, 2012 the Board made the citizens at large appointments to the Emergency <br />Services Workgroup, completing the composition of the workgroup. The workgroup, as directed <br />by the Board, consist of members from the volunteer and municipal fire and rescue group, two <br />municipal law enforcement senior officers, a representative from the Sheriff's Office, the <br />Emergency Services Director, Medical Director, two County Commissioners, and two citizen <br />volunteers. <br />On January 31, 201.2 the Emergency Services Workgroup met and reviewed the Charge <br />approved by the Board on January 24, 2012. The Workgroup confirmed the Charge, <br />established priorities and estimated a review and recommendation timeline not to exceed one <br />year. The Workgroup established a regular meeting schedule of every two weeks with the next <br />meeting scheduled for February 14, 2012 and the following estimated timeline: <br />