Orange County NC Website
Attachment 3 9 <br /> 1 DRAFT <br /> 2 <br /> 3 � MINUTES <br /> 4 ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br /> 5 ORANGE COUNTY PLANNING BOARD <br /> 6 QUARTERLY PUBLIC HEARING <br /> � November 21, 2011 <br /> g 7:00 p.m. <br /> 9 <br /> 10 The Orange County Board of Commissioners and the Orange County Pianning Board <br /> 11 met for a Quarterly Public Hearing on Monday, November 21, 2011 at 7:00 p.m. at DSS Offices, <br /> 12 Hillsborough Commons, Hillsborough, N.C. <br /> 13 <br /> 14 COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Chair Bernadette Pelissier, and Commissioners <br /> 15 Valerie P. Foushee, Alice M. Gordon, Barry Jacobs, Pam Hemminger, Earl McKee and Steve <br /> 16 Yuhasz <br /> 17 COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: <br /> 18 COUNTY ATTORNEY PRESENT: John Roberts <br /> 19 COUNTY STAFF PRESENT: County Manager Frank Clifton, Assistant County Manager <br /> 20 Michael Talbert and Deputy Clerk to the David Hunt (All other staff members will be identified <br /> 21 appropriately below) <br /> 22 PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Vice-Chair Larry Wright, Alan Campbell, Pete <br /> 23 Hallenbeck, Mark Marcoplos, H.T. "Buddy Hartley", Rachel Phelps Hawkins, Maxecine Mitchell, <br /> 24 Johnny Randall and Andrea Rohrbacher ' <br /> 25 <br /> 26 PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT• Chair Brian L. Crawford, Judith Wegner, Lisa <br /> 27 Stuckey, <br /> ..............................................................................� <br /> 28 EXCERPT <br /> 29 <br /> 30 C. PUBLIC HEARING ITEMS <br /> 31 3. Comprehensive Plan Land Use Element Map Amendment-To review a government- <br /> 32 initiated amendment to the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Element Map to change the land use <br /> 33 classification of approximately 47-acres near Efland and Brookhollow Road, along the south <br /> 34 side of McGowan Creek from Agricultural Residential to 10-Year Transition. <br /> 35 <br /> 36 Note from Transcriber: Something happened with the formatting at this point and l could not <br /> 3 7 tab,because every time l hit`tab'it would go to the next page. So, that is why it is in <br /> 3 8 paragraph form with no indentions. <br /> 39 Commissioner Yuhasz said that this property owner is a survey client of his. After consultation with <br /> 40 the County Attomey,there is no direct personal benefit to him for this action and he is required to <br /> 41 vote on it. He has not discussed this proposed rezoning with his client at any time. <br /> 42 Comprehensive Planning Supervisor Tom Altieri introduced this item. <br /> 43 2030 Comprehensive Plan <br /> 44 Land Use Element Map Amendment CP-2011-05 <br /> 45 Efland Area <br /> 46 Quarterly Public Hearing <br /> 47 November 21, 2011 <br /> 48 Item C.3 <br /> 49 <br />