Orange County NC Website
10 <br /> Proposed Actions <br /> Land Use Element Map amendment <br /> - Efland Area, 47 acres <br /> From: Agricultural Residential <br /> To: 10-Year Transition <br /> Land Use Category Descriptions <br /> From: <br /> Aqriculturat Residential—Prevailing land uses are related to the land (agriculture, forestry) and <br /> appropriate for continuation of these uses. <br /> To: <br /> 10-Year Transition —Suitable for higher density residential where public water/sewer is planned or <br /> exists. <br /> - Amendment area is within the County's Primary Service Area <br /> - Public utilities to be planned consistent with Agreement. <br /> Key Amendment Points ' <br /> - Implements recommendations in the Efland/Mebane Small Area Plan. <br /> - Consistent with Land Use and Housing goals and objectives of Comprehensive Plan. <br /> - Consistent with adjacent land uses. <br /> - Consistent with WASMPBA. <br /> - Establishes consistency with County's Water& Sewer Policy. <br /> - No related developments are proposed. <br /> - Creates potential for rezoning to higher density residential districts. <br /> - Existing R-1 zoning to remain for—any higher density residential development must go <br /> through rezoning and public hearing process. <br /> Public Notification <br /> - Completed in accordance with Section 2.3.6 of the UDO <br /> - Newspaper legal ads for 2 successive weeks <br /> - Mailed notices to affected property owners <br /> - Mailed notices to property owners within 500 feet of affected properties <br /> - Posted signs in amendment areas <br /> Recommendation <br /> - Receive the proposed amendments <br /> - Conduct the Public Hearing and accept public, BOCC, and Planning Board comment <br /> - Refer the matter to the Planning Board with a request that a recommendation be returned to <br /> the Board of County Commissioners in time for the February 7, 2012 BOCC regular meeting <br /> - Adjourn the public hearing until February 7, 201 in order to receive and accept the Planning <br /> Board's recommendation and any submitted written comments. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs said that when the County did the Efland-Mebane Small Area Plan, there was <br /> discussion about downtown Efland. He said that this will have a significant impact on downtown Efland. <br /> Tom Altieri said that this would create the potential to rezoning to higher density residential uses. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs said that there was a lot of conversation in that group about trying to get ahead of <br /> the way a single development could totally and forever transform the character of Efland if there was not <br /> a plan. He would like to raise the issue that this is a risk. The residents are concerned that the character <br /> of Efland will be affected. <br /> 2 of 3 <br />