Orange County NC Website
6. UDO Text Amendment: Add a new Section 6.20 that will pertain to public sewer connection <br />requirements <br />7. UDO Text Amendment: Revisions to the Table of Permitted Uses for EDB-1 (Section 5.2) to <br />make the district more retail-oriented and to Section 5.1.4 to reduce the list of Conditional <br />Use District exclusions within the land use classifications targeted for non-residential <br />development. <br />8. UDO Text Amendment: Revisions to several Sections pertaining to stormwater. These <br />amendments are required by the State of North Carolina to meet the Falls Lake and Jordan <br />Lake New Development Rules <br />9. UDO Text Amendment: Revisions to Section 6.12.5 to incorporate recent modifications to <br />State law concerning placement of political signs within the right-of-way of the State highway <br />system. <br />10. UDO Text Amendment: Revisions to Section 2.24 to incorporate recehtly passed State <br />legislation that modified the statute of limitations for the appeal of local government <br />decisions. <br />The legal advertisement in Attachment 1 provides additional information regarding these items. <br />The BOCC approved the Amendment Outline Forms for items 1 through 3 and 6 through 10 at <br />its November 1, 2011 meeting. The Amendment Outline Form for item 4 was approved at the <br />January 24, 2012 BOCC meeting and for item 5 at the November 15, 2011 meeting. <br />FINANCIAL IMPACT: Other than advertising costs, which are included in the FY 2011-12 <br />Budget, there are no direct financial impacts associated with the approval of this item. <br />RECOMMENDATION(S): The Manager recommends the Board approve the proposed <br />February 27, 2012 Quarterly Public Hearing legal advertisement. <br />