Minutes - 20020611
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 20020611
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THE TO~'~~1V OF HILLSBOROUGH AND <br />FROM ANY RAW V~TATER SUPPLY WITHIN ORANGE COUNTY USED BY <br />THE ORANGE-ALANiANCE WATER SYSTEM, INC. AND <br />THE TOWN OF HILLSBOROUGH <br />Pursuant to the provisions of the ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE CONSERVATION OF WATER DURING <br />A ~~VATER SHORTAGE, RESTRICTING THE USE OF WATER AND WATER Vt~TTHDRAWALS, AND ALLOCATING <br />AUGMENTED STRE.4IVIFLO~V FRONT RESERVOIRS, I, Barry Jacobs., Chair of the Board of County Commissioners, having <br />been provided with information that the water level of Lake Orange is more than two feet below full, do hereby issue this PUBLIC <br />PROCLAMATION declaring to all persons that a stage II water shortage ALERT is now in effect applicable to users of water <br />from the public water system supplied by the Orange Alamance Water System, Inc. and Town of Hillsborough and from any raw <br />water supply within Orange County used by the Orange-Alamance Water System, Inc. and the Town of Hillsborough. The <br />following voluntary water conservation measures are now applicable: <br />1. Use shower for bathing rather than bathtub and limit shower to no more than four (4) minutes. <br />2. Limit flushing of toilets by multiple usage. <br />3. Do not leave faucets running while shaving or rinsing dishes. <br />4. Limit use of clothes washers and dishwashers and when used, operate fully loaded. <br />5. Limit lawn watering to that which is necessary for plants to sun, ive. <br />6. ~~'ater shrubbery the minimum required, reusing household water when possible. <br />7. Limit car washing to the minimum. <br />8. Do not wash down outside areas such as sidewalks, patios, etc. <br />9. Install water flow restrictive devices in shower heads. <br />10. Use disposable and biodegradable dishes. <br />11. Install water saving devices such as bricks, plastic bottles or commercial units in toilet tanks. <br />12. Limit hours of operation ofwater-coaled air conditioners. <br />This proclamation, and the voluntary conservation restrictions imposed pursuant to it, shall be in effect until the Ordinance <br />entitled "AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE CONSERVATION OF WATER DITRING A WATER SHORTAGE, <br />RESTRICTING THE USE OF ~~VATER WITHDRAWALS, AND ALLOCATING AUGMENTED STREAMFLOW FROM <br />RESERVOIRS" is amended or repealed or until the Chair by Public Proclamation, declares that the Stage II Water Shortage <br />ALERT is over. <br />By order of Barry Jacobs, Chair of the Orange County Board of Commissioners, issued this 1 lth day of Tune, 2002. <br />3. COUNTY OPERATING AND CAPITAL BUDGET MATTERS <br />a. Manager's Overview of Major Budget, Policy, and Operational Issues Proposed for Review at <br />this Work Session <br />John Link said that his suggestion is that the County Commissioners take into account the <br />environment that we are in as we go through this budget deliberation process. He said that we can address <br />our budget challenges for this year through an appropriate tax increase, through a solid fund balance, <br />through cutting certain programs, or through delaying and deferring certain capital projects. He said that it is <br />possible that the additional 'l cent sales tax could be implemented as soon as August 15t. He said that the <br />County Commissioners must establish the tax rates for the County, the school district, and the fire districts; <br />the per pupil amount for current expense; the recurring capital amount for schools; and accept the County fee <br />schedule including solid waste. There are same recommendations of postponing some capital projects. But <br />the ones that are postponed this year have to be dealt with in the future. He said that the $3.1 million savings <br />proposed at the work session in May presumes a suspension of the policy that a certain amount of capital <br />funds that go to the schools be withheld for the coming year. <br />Commissioner Gordon said that her recollection of the November 2001 voter-approved bonds and <br />alternative financing plan was that the County Commissioners did not confirm the plan in April. Her <br />recollection is that we confirmed that we would not have any bond sales until January 2003. <br />Chair Jacobs said that one point that is very germane to this discussion is that we have already laid <br />out aseven-cent tax increase over the next five to seven years for bands. He said that we do not want to <br />
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