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ORANGE COUNTY <br />BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br />ACTION AGENDA ITEM ABSTRACT <br />Meeting Date: February 7, 2012 <br />Action AgeSa h <br />Item No. <br />SUBJECT: Orange County Arts Commission Annual DCP Renewal with NC Arts Council <br />DEPARTMENT: Orange County Arts PUBLIC HEARING: (Y/N) No <br />Commission <br />ATTACHMENT(S): INFORMATION CONTACT: <br />Martha Shannon, 968-2011 <br />PURPOSE: To authorize the Orange County Arts Commission and staff to apply by the March <br />1, 2012 deadline for annual Designated County Partner (DCP) renewal with the NC Arts Council <br />in order to receive state Grassroots Arts Program funds for Orange County. <br />BACKGROUND: The 1985 Resolution creating the Orange County Arts Commission stated <br />that "the Commission shall be the Local Distributing Agent (LDA) to advise the Board of <br />Commissioners of the annual allotment of Grassroots Arts Program funds." <br />When the Grassroots Arts Program was established in 1977, the legislation stated that the role <br />of the county commissions was to nominate an LDA, which if approved would have the final <br />authority in determining the expenditure of its county Grassroots allotment. <br />The Orange County Arts Commission has served as the Local Distributing Agent (now called <br />Designated County Partner) in Orange County for 26 years, acting in accordance with <br />Grassroots Arts Program authority for determining the expenditure of Grassroots allotments. <br />FINANCIAL IMPACT: There is no financial impact in FY 2011-12. The estimated FY 2012-13 <br />allotment of state funds to Orange County through the Grassroots Arts Program of the NC Arts <br />Council is $30,482. <br />RECOMMENDATION(S): The Manager recommends that the Board authorize the Orange <br />County Arts Commission and staff to apply by the March 1, 2012 deadline for Designated <br />County Partner (DCP) renewal from the NC Arts Council in order to receive state Grassroots <br />Arts Program funds for Orange County. <br />