Minutes - 20020606
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 20020606
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on some issues that aren't in the process. He said that they could disagree with the County <br />Commissioners. <br />Maria Tadd said that there is not a lot of dialog in their meetings. She said that she understands <br />that if a developer meets all the criteria that they cannot vote against it. <br />Renee Price said that she noticed a drastic difference from when she was on the Planning Board <br />before. In the past, they studied the proposal, questioned the applicant, the developer and the staff. <br />They were critical and analytical. Recently, tt has been more okay instead of disagreeing. The Board <br />needs to be more assertive because they are members of the community representing the community. <br />Chair Jacobs said that part of the reason for this meeting was to challenge the members of the <br />Planning Board. If affordable housing is wanted in each development, change the ordinance. If they <br />have questions, ask for additional information. He feels that the Planning Board can be involved with a <br />lot of things. He does not think that there are limits. They can be more creative in their questions and <br />challenges. No development meets all the standards. If they have questions, they should pursue them <br />until they have a satisfactory answer. He does not see a lot of discussion in the minutes. He asked if <br />they do long-range meetings. <br />Craig Benedict said that they usually meet twice a year. He said that it is a daunting task. It is a <br />challenge to find out what we have to move forward with and sometimes it is a challenge. <br />Jay Bryan said that what he heard was that the moratorium would allow the Board time to catch up <br />with what is happening in the County. He asked if there is language, which allows a project to be <br />rejected if it does not meet the health, safety and welfare issues. Geoffrey Gledhill said that the <br />subdivision regulations are not conditional use zoning. The health, safety and welfare requirement is not <br />a specific fact finding process. In those projects that require a special use, the health, safety and welfare <br />issue is one of the requirements. <br />Commissioner Gordon said that she would encourage the Planning Board to have meetings for <br />long range planning mare often. Another thing that would help is if the County Commissioners could see <br />where the Planning Board looks at pros and cans and alternatives. This would help the County <br />Commissioners in their deliberations. <br />Hunter Schofield said that there are some structural issues that the Planning Board confronts. <br />They do not have time to digest all the information before they must vote. The staff does not have the <br />resources to give the packets out earlier. The Planning Staff does not have the resources for the <br />Planning Board to be fully realized. The Planning Board is making some headway on some issues. He <br />does not feel the mission is clear and the division between the Planning Board and the Board of County <br />Commissioners is clear. He said that he does not feel that the Planning Board can turn a project down if <br />the project meets all the rules. They need to know that they have the County Commissioners' support an <br />what they want to do. <br />Chair Jacobs asked if the Planning Board operates under timelines for consideration of projects <br />and Craig Benedict said that they do, but they can ask for athirty-day delay. Chair Jacobs said that <br />ordinances could be changed. <br />Renee Price said that she has never had a problem with asking planning staff for information. She <br />said that it is usually not that they don't like the rules but they don't like the plan. When she sees all the <br />large-scale development coming in, she feels they need to look at all the options for the landowners. <br />Maybe we need to look at some mechanisms for keeping green areas green or forestland in forestland. <br />We cannot tell someone they can't sell their land but maybe there are some other options that we can <br />come up with to maintain some balance. <br />
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