Orange County NC Website
~-~~/- ~~ <br />LETTER OF AGREEMENT: -SS <br />Planning and Facilitation of Communications Planning Retreat <br />This is an agreement between the Orange County Government and the School of Government (SOG), at the <br />University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Its purpose is to secure services for planning and facilitating a <br />Communications Planning Retreat for the Orange County Board of Commissioners. The retreat will take place from <br />9AM-4PM on Friday, February 10, 2012. <br />1. Services. Plan and facilitate ahalf--day retreat focused on communications planning. The retreat will be part <br />of a full-day planning retreat that will address both communications and information technology (information <br />technology portion of the retreat will be facilitated by Shannon Tufts, under a separate contract). Consultant <br />for the communications planning is Kelley O'Brien. O'Brien will work with Tufts to develop a retreat <br />agenda. Planning will also include one face-to-face meeting with Donna Baker, Clerk to the Board. <br />2. Duration of Services. The services outlined in this agreement shall take place between December 19, 2011 <br />and February 10, 2012. <br />3. Compensation. Orange County Government agrees to pay $2,500 to the SOG based on daily rate of $1,000 <br />per day. Orange County Government agrees to reimburse the SOG for reasonable travel, lodging, and meal <br />expenses. <br />Total Days <br />Retreat planning 1.5 @ 1 faculty $1,500 <br />Retreat facilitation 1 @ l faculty $1,000 <br />$2,500 <br />4. Payments. Payments will be made to the School of Government, upon invoicing from the SOG, as follows: in <br />one lump sum following completion of the work <br />Ownership of Materials. The SOG will provide Orange County Government copies of reference materials as <br />needed <br />6. Liaisons. Donna Baker shall serve as a liaison for issues concerning work under this agreement. Kelley <br />O'Brien shall serve as liaison for the SOG. <br />Kelley O'Brien <br />Adjunct Faculty <br />School of Government <br />UNC Chapel Hill <br />#3330, Knapp-Sanders Building <br />Chapel Hill, NC 27599-3330 <br />(919)966-9982 <br />obrien(a, sog. unc. edu <br />Orange County Board of Commissioners <br />200 South Cameron Street <br />Post Office Box 8181 <br />Hillsborough, NC 27278 <br />(919) 245-2300 <br />7. Modification, Extension, and Termination. This agreement represents the entire agreement between the <br />parties. It may be modified, extended, or terminated by mutual consent of the parties. <br />Organization <br />For Orange County Board of Commissioners Date <br />School of Governme t <br />By: ~ 0?7 L~ <br />Bradley .Volk, Associate Dean for Administration Date <br />This instrument has been pre-audited in the manner required by the Local Government Budget and Fiscal Control <br />Act. ~fi~ /~ <br />Financial Services Director Date <br />