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WHEREAS, the fire, police and emergency personnel provide an invaluable service to our community; and <br /> WHEREAS, every day these brave police, fire and emergency personnel risk their lives in efforts that help <br /> save lives; and <br /> WHEREAS, the United States Postal Service has seen fit to issue a special commemorative "semipostal" <br /> U.S. postage stamps entitled "The Heroes of 2001" to honor those men and women who gave <br /> their lives in the rescue efforts following the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001; <br /> NOW, THEREFORE, do we, the Orange County Board of Commissioners, hereby proclaim June 7, 2002, as <br /> HEROES OF 2001 STAMP DAY <br /> in Orange County and proclaim this observance to all residents of Orange County and <br /> encourage all to pay tribute to the spirit and resolve of our great country and to recognize the <br /> important roles our fire, police and emergency workers play in our everyday lives. <br /> This the 4`h day of June, 2002. <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> 6. SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS <br /> a. ABC Report from Executive Director Dan Sykes <br /> The Board received a report from the Orange County ABC Board Executive Director on alcohol <br /> sales activities. <br /> Dan Sykes, Executive Director for the ABC stores, said that the ABC Board is a self supporting <br /> entity, which means that the consumers are paying for all of the expenses to operate the ABC system. All <br /> profits are used for capital expenditures or distributed back to the County to the education system, Sheriff's <br /> Department, or to the general fund. The sales are up about 3.4% over last year, which is an increase of <br /> about $330,000. The projected sales through the end of June are $9.2 million. Twenty-three percent of this <br /> goes directly to taxes and about 52% goes to gross profit. The operating expenses are about 18% of sales <br /> and the net profit is projected to be about $735,000. The distribution includes $66,000 to alcohol <br /> rehabilitation and education; $86,000 for law enforcement; and $400,000 to Orange County's general fund. <br /> The net income after all distributions will be about $160,000. They plan to expand the Carrboro mixed <br /> beverage distribution point. The cost for expanding the Carrboro facility will be about $165,000. They hope to <br /> have this facility completed by the end of October. They also hope to enhance their security system, which <br /> will cost $50,000 to $55,000. For the next fiscal year, they project a $78,000 increase in gross profit. Most of <br /> this will be consumed with increased operational costs. By law, they are required to distribute at least 7% to <br /> schools and 5% to law enforcement. They feel that distributions will be the same next year. <br /> In answer to a question from Commissioner Brown, Mr. Sykes said that $66,000 was distributed to <br /> the schools in Orange County last year. It is allocated based on projected student enrollment. <br /> Commissioner Halkiotis made reference to proposed legislation on privatization of the ABC stores <br /> and said that the County Commissioners decided to write a letter to Senator Howard Lee for an explanation <br /> of this proposal. Bill Thorpe, a member of the ABC Board, said that a committee has been set up but no <br /> action has been taken. <br /> Commissioner Brown asked Mr. Sykes if he has any thoughts on challenges for the future. He <br /> said that he sees growth in the area. Security is also a big problem. Commissioner Brown said that even <br /> though the ABC employees were not officially County employees, the County Commissioners are trying to <br /> treat them as such with a living wage and good health benefits. <br /> Commissioner Halkiotis asked how the move from the smaller Harris Teeter store to the bigger <br /> Harris Teeter store has affected sales and Mr. Sykes said that there has been a 12% increase. <br /> Chair Jacobs announced that we are advertising for people who would like to be on the ABC <br /> Board. It is one of the few boards for which one is paid to participate. <br />