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Commissioner Gordon said that the appeals process for the penalty is in there to the <br /> County Manager, but if something goes wrong or if there is a mistake in the new addressing, <br /> there needs to be a way to stop this from going forward. <br /> Commissioner Yuhasz made reference to page 8 and the physical standards for road <br /> name signs. He asked if there was going to be a requirement that all road signs be the same <br /> color. <br /> Frank Clifton said that there are many private roads in Orange County. He would <br /> suggest any private roads be a specific color other than green. Something can be established <br /> in the ordinance. <br /> Commissioner Yuhasz said that this is something that he would like to consider to have <br /> some consistency. <br /> Frank Clifton said that the staff needs some input from the County Commissioners in <br /> reference to Commissioner Gordon's comments. He said that human error can occur at the <br /> staff level and he is here to listen to those appeals. He said that if the Board of County <br /> Commissioners wanted to sit as an appeal board, that can happen, but this process is overdue <br /> and they will need direction from the Board of County Commissioners in reference to this issue. <br /> Chair Pelissier said that since Commissioner Gordon's suggestion was such a large <br /> change to this draft, she would like to ask the County Commissioners if they would like to <br /> entertain this because staff needs direction. <br /> Frank Clifton said that the recommendation is to extend the public hearing to the next <br /> meeting, so there is time to incorporate further input. <br /> John Roberts made reference to an appeals process other than what is in the ordinance <br /> and said that it is typical to have appeals to the County Manager. Staff will be doing the <br /> frontline appeals and then the Manager. After that, the residents can appeal it to the courts. If <br /> the Board of County Commissioners wants it appealed to them, then it can become a quasi- <br /> judicial body. <br /> John Roberts made reference to Section VI, B-2 and 3, and subsection 2, which is <br /> referring to the type of mail that would be used to deliver rather than first class. Subsection 3 is <br /> talking about when that delivery is deemed to occur. <br /> Commissioner Hemminger said that she does not want to be part of a judicial board and <br /> she is in favor of the appeals going to the County Manager. If a citizen wants to complain to the <br /> Board of County Commissioners, they can and then the Board has the right to check into it or <br /> not. She said that people do not like changes, but this is needed. <br /> Commissioner Gordon said that somewhere it needs to be stated what the appeal is and <br /> the process. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs said that he was not clear on the answer about the notice being <br /> sufficient. He asked if he understood correctly that the written notices of violations do not <br /> require certified mail. <br /> John Roberts said that if the enforcement officer chooses to use mail, it has to be <br /> registered or certified. It is deemed delivered upon deposit in the receptacle of U. S. Mail. <br /> Other means are posting it on the front door of the structure and hand-delivering it to an <br /> occupant of legal age in the structure. <br /> Chair Pelissier said that she wants to minimize the number of people that come before <br /> the Board on this issue. She thinks that what is here is sufficient and that people can go to the <br /> courts as an option. She does not see this as a crucial addition to the ordinance. <br /> John Roberts said that he would prefer not putting a direct appeal in here, because then <br /> the Manager is turned into a quasi-judicial officer. The way it is set up now, the County <br /> Manager is making an administrative decision,on whether or not the enforcement officer <br /> followed the proper procedure. <br />