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Commissioner Yuhasz said that he is not sure this does it for him. He would like <br />someone to work through some numbers. He wants to make sure that this increase would not <br />be more than the increase that the County library would receive. <br />Chair Pelissier said that this would definitely not happen and it is all based on the total <br />amount of funding and the percentages specified earlier in the agreement. <br />Frank Clifton said that the funding that was proposed to give to Chapel Hill is not <br />included in the total dollar amount for library services. The percentage given to Chapel Hill <br />under this agreement would never exceed 30% of what the County now spends on operational <br />costs for library services. <br />Commissioner Yuhasz said that this discussion proves the need to tighten up on the <br />language of this agreement. <br />Commissioner Yuhasz said that his next concern is the part on termination. He would <br />like it to say, "the agreement may be terminated by either party hereinto upon one year <br />advanced written notice to the other party or at any time by mutual agreement." <br />Commissioner Yuhasz said that he withdraws his concern about #4 and #3 with <br />Commissioner Jacobs' improvement is acceptable. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Yuhasz, seconded by Commissioner Foushee to <br />approve and authorize the Chair to sign an Interlocal Agreement by and between .Orange <br />County and the Town of Chapel Hill regarding funding of the Chapel Hill Municipal Library and <br />improved interoperability of library systems, with the changes as suggested by Commissioner <br />Jacobs for item 3-a regarding interoperability and as suggested by Commissioner Yuhasz <br />regarding termination. <br />Commissioner Jacobs asked if the wording for 2-c was resolved.. Commissioner <br />Foushee said to use the wording of John Roberts. Commissioner Jacobs said that the <br />Manager's wording summarized it well. He made the following suggestion and made it as a <br />friendly amendment to the motion: <br />"It would be the intent of the County to increase its funding of County library operational <br />costs, by a proportional increase, and then to increase funding provided to the Town library by <br />' the previously agreed upon percentage of the library system increase, not to exceed three <br />percent annually." <br />Frank Clifton said that if it would be beneficial, he will put together a chart separately to <br />the Board of County Commissioners. Commissioner Foushee suggested not submitting the <br />chart as part of the agreement because it did cause quite an amount of confusion. She <br />suggested agreeing on the language tonight. <br />Commissioner Foushee accepted the friendly amendment. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />Commissioner Gordon said that the language dealing with the increase in funding is still <br />not completely clear, but she voted for it to get the process moving forward. <br />c. Emergency Services Workgroup <br />The Board considered recommendations for the Emergency Services Workgroup and <br />giving direction to staff as to the Workgroup's scope of services. <br />Michael Talbert said that the next three items are related to the November 17th work <br />session. At this work session, the Board considered several aspects of Emergency Services. <br />