Orange County NC Website
Commissioner Foushee said that this conversation makes it seem that these boards do <br />not have mutual trust. She said that it is sad to her that they are at a point that they cannot <br />work through negotiations in good faith. <br />Commissioner McKee said that the Board did extend an indication of being willing to <br />work with the Town by raising the funding level. The thing that concerns him is that he ~s afraid <br />that, without a definitive definition of interoperability and a timeframe for achieving <br />interoperability, that Orange County would be agreeing to an interlocal agreement that would be <br />open to interpretation. <br />Commissioner Yuhasz went to his other questions. Under #4 on page 6, the Town <br />Library Board of Trustees suggests that the County would appoint a County Commissioner <br />liaison to this board and he asked why there would not be an actual member that has a right to <br />vote from the Board of County Commissioners. <br />John Roberts said that there is no reason that he knows of why there should not be a <br />Board of County Commissioners' member on the Board of Trustees. <br />Commissioner Yuhasz asked if this would be a roadblock to an agreement. <br />Chair Pelissier said that she does not think it would be a roadblock because it says that <br />the liaison would make recommendations as the liaison. <br />Commissioner Yuhasz suggested changing this to being a member of the-Board of <br />Trustees. <br />Commissioner McKee agreed with Commissioner Yuhasz about this issue. He said that <br />not having a County Commissioner as a member of the Board of Trustees would be a <br />roadblock. He is in support of increasing the funding, but he thinks that there should be a <br />voting member on the board because of the amount of money being contributed. <br />Commissioner Gordon asked about the membership composition of this board. She <br />asked if there was a Town Council Member on it and no one knew. She. said that she would <br />underscore what Commissioner Foushee said about interoperability and that the entities should <br />negotiate in good faith. <br />Commissioner Jacobs said that he agreed with Commissioner Yuhasz about having a <br />Board of County Commissioner member on the Town's Library Board of Trustees. <br />Commissioner Jacobs made reference to interoperability and 3-a, and suggested <br />adding, "to be determined during the term of this agreement," to the end of this statement. This <br />would specify that there would be some agreement about interoperability. <br />Frank Clifton said that, according to the website, the County representative is a voting <br />member and a Town Council Member sits on the board, but is anon-voting member.- <br />- Frank Clifton pointed out that the document before the Board was amended by the <br />Town of Chapel Hill staff. <br />Commissioner Jacobs agreed with Commissioner Foushee and Commissioner Gordon <br />in that the County needs to continue to operate in good faith. <br />Commissioner McKee said that he would still like to have a voting member on the Board <br />of Trustees. <br />Chair Pelissier said that she thinks it would be inappropriate to ask to have a voting <br />member since the Town Council Member is not a voting member. <br />Chair Pelissier returned to Commissioner Yuhasz's question on page 5, item`d', and said <br />that the intent of adding this was to make it clear to the Chapel Hill Town Council Members in <br />this discussion that if Orange County does increase its funding to library operations, then an <br />additional 3% is larger than what it is now. She does not know another way to reword this. <br />John Roberts suggested rewording as follows: "It would be the intent of the County. to <br />increase its funding of County library operational costs by a proportional percentage to the <br />proposed increase in funding of the Town library." <br />