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Commissioner Yuhasz said that he did not see anything wrong with adding additional <br />direction, but if there is potential conflict, then the ordinance should defer to the current <br />language. <br />Frank Clifton suggested adding in the grid axis option to the adoption. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Yuhasz, seconded by Commissioner Foushee to <br />adopt a resolution with the suggested changes as shown on the PowerPoint, and to add the <br />language from the existing ordinance to the proposed ordinance as suggested by <br />Commissioner Gordon giving deference to the language in the proposed ordinance where there <br />might be a conflict; and other language modifications amending Chapter 6, Article II, the current <br />Building and Building Regulations sections of the Code of Ordinances, with the proposed <br />Orange County Addressing and Road Naming Ordinance and authorize the Chair to sign. <br />Commissioner Gordon added a friendly amendment that in Section 6-32 that the <br />definitions be included regarding the road origin; that in Section 6-34 that the definitions be <br />included regarding the language of the 75%; that in Section 6-35(d)-1 that the revised language <br />on the axis be added from the handout; and that the changes be made to 6-35(b)-(g), and that, <br />in doing so, if there is a conflict between the language that was proposed and the language that <br />has been added, then the proposed language should take precedence. <br />Commissioner Yuhasz accepted the friendly amendment and Commissioner Foushee <br />seconded. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />b. Interlocal Agreement Regarding Funding of the Chapel Hill Municipal <br />Library and Improved Interoperability of Library Systems <br />The Board considered an Interlocal Agreement by and between Orange County and the <br />Town of Chapel Hill regarding funding of the Chapel Hill Municipal Library and improved <br />interoperability of library systems and if approved, authorizing the Chair to sign. <br />Library Director Lucinda Munger said that this item is for the Board of County <br />Commissioners to consider an interlocal agreement between the Town of Chapel Hill regarding <br />the funding of the Chapel Hill Municipal Library and improved interoperability between the Town <br />and County library systems. During the 2011-12 budget work sessions concerning County <br />library funding, the Board of County Commissioners discussed the contribution to the Town of <br />Chapel Hill for library services for all Orange County residents. During the deliberations, the <br />Board stated its desire to pursue a formalized agreement before the end of 2011 with the Town, <br />to increase the level of funding to both library systems that.would increase services for all <br />residents within budgetary resources. <br />At the June 21St meeting, the Board approved a resolution stating, "The County will <br />provide total funding in the amount of $342,986 during FY 2011-12 to the Town to support <br />library services to all Chapel Hill library patrons upon the approval and signature by both the <br />Town and County of an interlocal agreement." The approved funding was an increase of just <br />over $93,000 and represented approximately 21 % of County library operational funding. The <br />agreement outlined raising the contribution to 30% of the County's library operational costs over <br />an approximate four-year period and a desire to increase interoperability between the two <br />systems. At its June 27th meeting, the Town Council decided against implementing afee-based <br />library card system for all non-Town resident library users and accepted the County's <br />contribution for Chapel Hill Library support for 2011-12. The. Council .also instructed the Town <br />Manager to continue discussions with the County regarding further financial support and related <br />issues of interest to all parties. <br />The revised attached interlocal agreement still reflects the funding changes made during <br />the Board's budget deliberations and new language that reflects the enhancements to the <br />