Orange County NC Website
than 58°~ of our clients that received clinical services earned incomes at or below 100°~ of the federal <br />poverty level. At the Board of Health meeting in April, they passed two resolutions that he hopes the <br />County Commissioners will support and forward to the legislature. These resolutions support increased <br />taxes on alcohol and tobacco products, both of which directly affect the health and well being of our <br />residents. These revenue enhancements should support health and human programs that are often <br />impacted by these health risk behaviors. These resolutions have been sent to the County Commissioners. <br />Rosalind Council spoke on behalf of young children in the community. She told about some of <br />those who were helped by the County's $40,000 match last year. Carrboro Early School serves 44 <br />children from infants to five-year olds. They are afour-star center. Every child in the program receives <br />subsidy through Smart Start or DSS. Not one of the families could afford the full cost of care on their own. <br />She thanked the County Commissioners for the matching funds and encouraged them to do the same this <br />year. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis said that he and the Manager attended the Partnership for Young Children <br />Board meeting yesterday and Michelle Rivist was authorized to work with him in putting a letter together. <br />The Partnership Chair Jay Bryan asked that Flicka Bateman pursue a similar program with the Chapel Hill <br />Town Council asking for a letter of support far Smart Start in Orange County that could be sent to <br />appropriate State officials. Michelle Rivist is also going to do a similar presentation for the Carrboro Town <br />Board. He will also bring it up with the Hillsborough officials. He will bring the completed letter to the <br />meeting next week. <br />Commissioner Brown said that it is an excellent story how Orange County has tried to work <br />together with the municipalities. One way we have done this is to not raise the tipping fees this year for <br />garbage collection. It is too bad that the State does not care about the cities and counties. <br />3. Adjournment <br />With no further comments to be heard, a motion was made by Commissioner Carey, seconded by <br />Commissioner Halkiotis to adjourn the meeting at 8:45 p.m. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />The next meeting will be held on at 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday, June 4, 2002 in the F. Gordon Battle <br />Courtroom in Hillsborough, North Carolina. <br />Barry Jacobs, Chair <br />Beverly A. Blythe, CMC <br />