Orange County NC Website
Wake County -Authorities, Boards, Commissions and Committees, Wake County Volunt... Page 3 of 3 <br />15 <br />I. Declaration of Policy <br />The proper operation of democratic government requires that public officials and employees <br />be independent, impartial and responsible to the people; that governmental decisions and <br />policy be made in proper channels of the governmental structure; that public office not be <br />used for personal gain; and that the public have confidence in the integrity of its <br />government. <br />In recognition of these goals, a Code of Ethics for County officials is hereby adopted. The <br />purpose of this policy is to establish guidelines for ethical standards of conduct for all such <br />officials by setting forth those acts or actions that are compatible with the best interests of <br />the County. <br />II. Applicability of Ethics Policy <br />The provisions of this policy shall apply to all elected and appointed County officials, <br />members of County boards and commissions appointed by the County commissioners, and <br />other County employees. <br />II. Financial and Personal Disclosure <br />Any County official or employee who must officially consider any public matter involving his <br />financial or personal interests, or those of his immediate family, shall first publicly disclose <br />the nature and extent of such interest and shall abstain from acting thereon unless <br />provisions of state law require otherwise. <br />III. Gifts and Favors <br />No official or employee shall knowingly accept any gift, whether in the form of money, thing, <br />favor, loan or promise, when it could reasonably be inferred that the gift was intended to <br />influence or reward an official action on his part. Gifts, meals, other favors of an incidental <br />nature and of minor value, or legitimate political contributions shall not be included in this <br />policy. <br />IV. Appointment, Employment, or Contract Award of Relatives or <br />Business Partners <br />Public officials of the appointing authority must disclose on the public record any person of <br />their immediate family related by blood or marriage, or business interest who is being <br />considered for appointment, employment or contract award by that authority. <br />Immediate family related by blood and marriage are to include: spouse, child, parents, <br />brothers, sisters, grandparents, grandchildren, step-, and in-law relationships for preceding <br />categories. <br />Submit Form Clear Form <br /> 12/9/2011 <br />