Orange County NC Website
Working toward keeping the public informed about aspects of long-term 62 <br />care and the operations of nursing homes in their county , <br />What are your Board/Commission's most important accomplishments? <br />• The team has improved living conditions at each of the nursing homes in <br />Orange County by diligently staying informed about issues affecting <br />seniors, making quarterly visits to their assigned homes, writing reports <br />and following up on previous observations. <br />• Teams have established an excellent rapport with administration and staff <br />personnel at each facility we visit. These relationships directly impact our <br />ability to improve observed conditions for the residents we serve. <br />Comments and concerns are well-received and promptly addressed in <br />each case. <br />• Each team focused on improving scheduled physical activity programs at <br />each nursing home in 2011. This special emphasis will continue in 2012. <br />• Volunteers have brought many diverse professional and personal <br />experiences to the group. Many have professional backgrounds in <br />medicine, social work, occupational therapy, industrial hygiene and <br />teaching among others. These aptitudes and talents are readily shared <br />with the group. <br />List of Specific Tasks, Events, or Functions Performed or Sponsored <br />Annually. <br />• Our team of 8 to 12 members makes quarterly visits in pairs or groups of <br />three to each of the five nursing homes in Orange County and prepares <br />written reports of these visits that are available to the public via the BOCC <br />website. <br />• The Dept. of Aging sponsors community awareness events each year. <br />The OCNHCAC has been invited to staff a table at these events. <br />Describe this board/commission's activities/accomplishments in carrying <br />out BOCC goal(s)/priorities, if applicable. <br />The BOCC supports the group by allowing us to use space on the website, <br />advertises for open volunteer positions and approves volunteer appointments. <br />Identify any activities this board/commission expects to carry out in .2011 <br />as they relate to established BOCC goals and priorities. <br />If applicable, is there a fiscal impact (i.e., funding, staff time, other <br />resources) associated with these proposed activities (please list). <br />We will continue our work as described above and will appreciate the <br />administrative support of a staff member from the Dept. of Aging and use of <br />meeting space at the Seymour Center. We have a great appreciation for the <br />dedicated support from Mary Ann Weston. We look forward to this support <br />continuing. <br />We are also grateful for the professional and educational support provided by our <br />Professional Ombudsman, Charlotte Terwilliger. <br />