Orange County NC Website
55 <br />Objective CR-7: <br />Encourage publication of material relating to the County's heritage. <br />• Completed Design Standards for Orange County Local Landmarks and Local <br />Historic Districts, which were adopted in October 2010. <br />Objective CR-10: <br />Establish a dialogue with the other jurisdictions in and adjacent to Orange County to <br />address cultural resources in areas with or without designated Historic <br />Preservation/District Commissions. <br />• The HPC began this dialogue during the 2009 Preservation Summit, which <br />lead to the BOCC's initial discussion with the Hillsborough Town Council <br />regarding the handling of historic properties in the Town's ETJ at the joint <br />meeting. The HPC sent a .memo to County Management to request <br />continued work with the Hillsborough HDC regarding possibility of extending <br />the County's Local Landmark program into the Town of Hillsborough's ETJ. <br />Identify any activities this board/commission expects to carry out in 2011 as they <br />relate to established BOCC goals and priorities. <br />If applicable, is there a fiscal impact (i.e., funding, staff time, other resources) <br />associated with these proposed activities (please list). <br />The HPC expects to continue its work on BOCC goals two and five as described <br />above. <br />What are the concerns or emerging issues your board has identified for .the. <br />upcoming year that it plans to address, or wishes to bring to the Commissioners' <br />attention? <br />• The HPC would like to revisit the language in the County's internal Cultural and <br />Archaeology Resources Policy, adopted in 2006, to ensure that it provides the <br />intended level of protection to local resources. <br />• The HPC would like to publish the countywide survey files on the Department of <br />Environment, Agriculture, Parks and Recreation website. <br />• The HPC would like to increase its outreach to local residents, particularly the <br />owners of historic buildings, to share more information about existing <br />preservation tools and programs. <br />