Orange County NC Website
start to address this incredible inequity between this rich County and some other county that has less <br /> than $600 per student. This is not equitable education. <br /> Chair Jacobs made reference to the maps of Orange County's legislative districts. The State <br /> legislature is about to cut the County into pieces, which separate the north from the south. He thinks that <br /> this is a shame and does not serve the citizens of Orange County. <br /> Chair Jacobs made reference to the windfall of improperly designated sales tax and other revenues <br /> as a result of our contracting with Segal and Associates. He wants to make it clear that, based on the <br /> work of the Innovation and Efficiency Committee, the County contracted with Segal and Associates <br /> which resulted in significant monies for Orange County and the municipalities. One of the school <br /> systems has also contracted with Segal and Associates, but the other has not. <br /> John Link said that he heard that the County would receive at least $400,000 as a result of this <br /> finding. <br /> Chair Jacobs suggested writing a letter to the Chapel Hill-Carrboro School system saying that the <br /> County expects them to contract with Segal and Associates for an evaluation. <br /> Commissioner Brown said that she feels it is important for the water utilities to know that what they <br /> each do in their own company may not reflect the public interest. <br /> Commissioner Brown said that some of us, like Orange County, have done an extremely good job <br /> of protecting our water resources. The ones that have not done a good job need to upgrade their land <br /> use planning and come up to the standards <br /> Commissioner Carey said that he was encouraged by the information he heard at the water summit <br /> and the spirit in which tough issues were discussed. He feels that some good will come from this summit <br /> and hopefully some continued collaboration and partnerships will develop. Even though there is not a <br /> regional plan, the linkage is in place to encourage a regional effort. <br /> 4. COUNTY MANAGER'S REPORT <br /> John Link recognized Valerie Curry and Jean Johnson and congratulated them on receiving their <br /> certification in the Tax Office. Valerie Curry has been most recently appointed as Deputy Tax Collector <br /> and Jean Johnson has been most recently appointed as Assistant Tax Collector, which means that she <br /> is now able to support the Deputy Tax Collector. <br /> Also, he said that there have been recent items in the media about some perceptions that the hours <br /> of operation for American Stone Quarry have changed with the advent of the Special Use Permit. He <br /> wants to assure everyone that there has been no change in the hours for American Stone. The hours <br /> are 7:00 a.m. — 7:00 p.m. Monday through Saturday. Also, the Board of Health will be ready in June to <br /> bring back to the County Commissioners a no-fault policy on how we can address legitimate issues that <br /> folks want to bring to our attention relative to the water source and the operation of wells in the quarry <br /> area. <br /> 5. RESOLUTIONS/PROCLAMATIONS <br /> a. Resolution Honoring Mildred "Mama Dip" Council <br /> The Board considered a proclamation recognizing Mildred "Mama Dip" Council as third <br /> runner-up in the U.S. Small Business Administrations National Small Business Person of the Year, and <br /> as winner of North Carolina's Small Business Person of the Year. Chair Jacobs read the resolution. <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Carey, seconded by Commissioner Gordon to approve <br /> and authorize the Chair to sign the resolution as stated below: <br /> RESOLUTION HONORING MILDRED "MAMA DIP" COUNCIL ON BEING NAMED <br /> ONE OF THE BEST SMALL BUSINESS PERSONS IN THE COUNTRY <br /> WHEREAS, Mildred Council (or "Mama Dip" as she's more commonly known) opened an 18-seat <br /> restaurant in Chapel Hill in 1976 with only $64 in cash and a reputation as a good cook; and <br /> WHEREAS, Ms. Council is a self-taught entrepreneur who learned business management through <br /> classes, seminars, and on-the-job training; and <br />