Orange County NC Website
7 <br /> The request for speed bumps will be directed to North Carolina Department of <br /> Transportation (NCDOT) via the .County and Towns as may be appropriate based upon <br /> jurisdictional authority. <br /> COUNTY ADVOCACY WITH THE TOWNS — Expanded communication between the <br /> neighborhood and the Towns and County could be beneficial. However, jurisdictional and <br /> political boundaries do place independent authority and responsibility with corresponding local <br /> governments. T�ie neighborhood has been split by agreement between the two towns. It is <br /> ut�likely that situation will c�iange. Carrboro has acted ta annex area west of Rogers Road. The <br /> area east of Rogers Road is within the Chapel Hill planning boundary subject to annexation at <br /> some point in the-future. <br /> Political leadership within the Towns and County should ultimately resolve a coordinated <br /> and collaf�orative response if it is to occur. The community needs to continue to interact <br /> with tha# poCtical leadership in seeking resolution to its concerns. <br /> LANDFILL �fFESPAN, CLOSURE AND POST CLOSURE — The expenditures outlined within <br /> this abstra�t that address the concems raised revenues (Water, Dump Sites and OperatiQnal <br /> lmprovements) are dependent to a lar�e part upon the availability of landfill for funding. A <br /> proposal to the State of North Carolina to allow modification to #he steepness of landfil! slopes <br /> (Attachment 8) which would increase the useful life of the landfill has yet to be pursued. If tf�at- <br /> proposal�is not sought or approved, the landfill is projected to close in the spring of 2013. If it is <br /> approved the landfill use can be e�ended up to 2017 (possibly longer} at the `exclusive' option <br /> of the Board of Commissioners. <br /> There is a call among area residents and others to close the landfitl as soon as possible. <br /> Doing so limits the availability of landfill tipping fee revenues to fund the requested <br /> improvements. <br /> There is also the i�nherited liability the County assumed in taking ownership of the Municipal <br /> Solid Waste (MSV1n landfill for closure and post closure costs. Closure costs and post closur.e <br /> costs are currently estimated at-$7,941,275 (Attachment 9)_ Closure and post closure costs for <br /> the Construction and Demolition (C&D) landfill are estimated at $4,025,326 (Attachment 10). <br /> The C&D landfill will continue to operate several years after the MSW landfill closes. It is located <br /> no�th of Eubanks Road where the solid waste maintenance and operational center is sited. <br /> The Greene Tract is a 164-acre parcel owned jointly by Chapel Hill, Carrboro and Orange <br /> County. An Interlocal Agreement from 1999, and amended in 2000, provides guidance for the <br /> division of the prop�erty. A Greene Tract Work Group that included representatives from all the <br /> pa�ties to the Interlocal Agreement met in 2001 and discussed proposed uses of affordable <br /> housing, open space and recreation space. Chapel Hill, Carrboro and Orange County adopted <br /> resolutions supporting three basic uses in concept: <br /> 18.1 acres on the northwest portion of the site adjacent to the Purefoy Road <br /> neighborhood would be reserved forAffordable Housing <br /> 85.9 acres would be reserved for open space <br />