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10 <br /> will oversee the work and monitor the contractors authorized to perform to <br /> activities. <br /> 3. Recognize and authorize appropriate annual increases in the MSW tipping <br /> fee. Increases will occur in accordance with financial projections that support the <br /> proposals outlined above and clos�re and post closure fiaancial obligations. The <br /> current agreement allows a 10% ann�al increase. The current rate is $57 per ton <br /> �MSW. <br /> 4. Select an appropriate-.Glosing date for the landfitl as a funetioning operation. <br /> The estimated closure dates as proposed in �he attachments and discussed earlier <br /> in ihis abstract are approximate in nature. As the lar�dfill ages solid waste <br /> compresses with time. An exact date the landfill will reach permitted capacity is a <br /> variable_ The Board has the op.tion to extend the (ife of the landfill and add <br /> availabl� funds-for the proposals outlined above along with securing reserves for <br /> closur_e and post closure actions. County staff has not yet sought a permit <br /> e�ension,_and the lanclfil4 is scheduled to close in the spring 2013. If the Board <br /> chooses to extend the life of the landfill, it will need to direct staff to file the <br /> appropriate permit applications. <br /> 5. Encourage the Towns through conversations with elected leadership tn <br /> become more involved irr the future. of the Rogers/Eubank Road <br /> neigF�bo�hood. The improvements not eligible for funding via the So(id Waste <br /> Enterprise Fund (Sewer, community development activities, etc.) can be <br /> addressed via other revenues sources. The longer the landfill stays open the <br /> greater savings the Towns experience in waste transportation costs to a MSW <br /> landfill or transfer station elsewhere. The Towns and County could jaintly address <br /> these issues collectively to lessen the financial burden upon any one government. <br /> 6. Convene a rr�eeting with the Towns to discuss the future of MSW in Orange <br /> County. There has been a limited municipal response to taking future MSW to the <br /> City of Durham's MSVV transfer station. Alternative MSW disposal options being <br /> pursued by the Towns thus far have not produced viable results. A new interlocal <br /> agreement is necessary to address both future MSW disposal and closure. and <br /> post-closure costs and liability. <br /> Summary <br /> Prior efforts by the County and Towns did not fully address the locational impacts of the landfill <br /> upon the neighborhood after the original site decision was made. Moving forward requi�es a <br /> dedication by the Towns and County (together} to act appropriately in bringing some finality to <br /> these issues. Not al( of the req�ests made by the Rogers/Eubanks, Road neighborhood exist <br /> because of the landfi(I, but many are a direct result of its location and operation. The MSW <br /> landfil! may close in the next few years, but the C&D landfill operations wilt continue for many <br /> -years to come and those impacts will be ongoing. <br />