Orange County NC Website
• 9 <br /> Svst�a v�rill ba oneratad• as aa snternzise fund. � Z`he �o�nty wi17. 1 <br /> segregate far accoun�ing purposes aZ7. the System�s acaounts, tn�uays <br /> anr3 inve-stmen�s. The County wi.11 provide fox the Systemt s assets, <br /> � liabilities and resvlts of a�erations to be presented in tl�,e Cavnty's ' <br /> annual audit as a separate� enter�rise � €und, in accordance witb <br /> general].�r accepted �principlss. Tlse Covsitg wi11. anaual�y . <br /> adopt a sepax�.te budget far the System in accardan.ce wi�h the County�s . . • <br /> tisual btidgetary pxocess. Tha County will keep accusate records a.�d . <br /> accovnts of a11 items of costs � of a17. expenditures relating tn the <br /> System, a�.zc� of the Sys�em Revenues collected and �he applicatian of <br /> ' System R-avenues. Such reoords and acci�unts wi3.I. be a�es ta any Party's <br /> . in-spection at a�y reasonable time. ugon reasonable notice. <br /> System -wil� _he onerated on a sel.f�supportinQ basis. The Cormty <br /> will establish and mai.ntain a sy�tem• of rates, �ees and charges for <br /> tize use of, and• for the sezvl.ces provided by, the System which �.s <br /> reasonahly designed to pay in fiill all t3se.�eo-s-ts (as�d..� the. costs} <br /> � o€ carrying ot�.t �he county's responsibila:�ies �.der this Agx�eement and <br /> • � the 5olid Waste Ma.nagement Pla�z and PoLicies,- inc].uding, wi�hout � <br /> • �imitaLion,- {1} costs of clispoaing of �olid Waste, (2) costs of <br /> call�ct�ng, processing and dispoaing of Cou�t� Recycla.bles, {3� to tTie <br /> ex��t perutitted by law, costs a� providing'`publia 3�enefzts detezznix�ed <br /> to be pvrs�ant to Pas� G, and (4) casts ot so].id waste <br /> � reduction activities. Subject only �o the specific 2imitations set <br /> foxth in this Agreement, the County may revise any rates, fees and <br /> - . c�.asges at an� time and as often as it shall cieem appropriate. • <br /> �,;rni tations an Material Finanaial. �haucres. Notwithstanding any <br /> • othex pzovision of this Agreement, the County shal]. not put int-o <br /> effect any Matexial F�nancial Chaage unless the Covnty first o�tai�ss <br /> t�ae consent of aIl Parties. It will be each Town's obligatian to <br /> determine whether any chan9e• or proposed change to the Solid Waste ' <br /> � Managem�nt Plan and Bolicies �s a Material Financial Charsge with. <br /> . _�e�p��� to such Town within ten Businesa Da�rs of receiving notice of , <br /> the change or proposed change, and to notify the Connty within �ive <br /> adda.tXonal Bxzsiness baya if tha Town cietexmines that auch change or <br /> pr-oposed change is a Material Financial Change. The provi.sions of this <br /> paragraph are independent of the furthez� provisions of this Part 4 <br /> . concernzn.g rates, fees and charges. <br /> Niixed Wasfia Tip�incr Fee• (1} The County may incxeas� <br /> � the Mi.xed So1id Waste Tippir�g Fe� from time to time in its diseretion <br /> with at least 3-o days' notice of the in�rease to all other Parties. , <br /> The Cov.nty raay not, howeverr inGrease the Mixed Solid Waste Tipp�.ng <br /> Fee d,vsing or at tlre beginning of any �iscal Year to a .fee that <br /> exGeeds the Mixed Solid Waste 'S�pping �ee zx� �ffec� at t.h� end of the <br /> preceding Fiscal Year by �nore than 10's, without th� priar consent of <br /> a�.l the other Parties. Further. •the par�ies i�tend anr3 agree that the <br /> County shall endeavox ta adjuet the Mixed Salid Waste Tipgi�ng �'ee anly � <br /> annually, with changes becoming effective only at the beginnir�.g of a <br /> �iscal Year. <br /> 5 . <br />