Orange County NC Website
7 <br /> - ' Make rapaxes._ The County wiTl make, or cause ta be made, any <br /> •- �eports ar audits relati�ag ta the System as may be xequixed by Iaw. . . <br /> The Coun�y, as often as may reasanabiy be requested, wi.11 furnish such <br /> ` other� 9.nformation as the County may have zeason.ab�y available • <br /> conCerning the System ox �ts opexatian as the Advisory Boazd ar any . <br /> p,axty may reasonably ret�uest. The Caunty, which the Parties have . <br /> � dssiguated as � local �.ead agency� a�.d th¢ Towns vrill coagerate in <br /> grepaxing and suhrnitting an.y repor�s ar soli� �raste plans tha� a Party <br /> ma:y be res,;red to file with govern�tental authoriti�s, such as the <br /> ' S t�te's Ltivisiaa of T4as�e Management. <br /> A_pnrove budcre�. T'1ie Couniy wilI. agprave the I.999-2000 . <br /> . System �operating budget together with C�age1 Hill. <br /> Sffec�ive da�a. The �aunty w'ill assw�ue so�.id waste management � <br /> ' resgons�i.lity t3za day following the ef�ective date of the of <br /> the property described in Sxhibzt 8 uta]tes soTid waste management <br /> uses, not ia�cl�.ding bv�ial of a;ixed salidr ivaste or const�uctiop. and <br /> demolition waste, a �ex-taitted use under �t�e �hapei Hill Development <br /> Code/Ordinance, as providad in Part 5 0� �this Agreement, so, long as <br /> that date a�s at 3:east IBO days after tbe� executian and de�ivexy of . <br /> this Agreement by the current ovaners of the System and so �ong as the <br /> Gz�eene Tract Owners �iave agxeed on ti�e boundaries of the property <br /> ' described in �xhibit E. The data the County assumes solid waste <br /> managetnent responsibilit� is the effective date of this Agreemerit. <br />, however, the ef�ective date of this Agreemen� will be <br /> , �anuary 1, 200a so long as this Agreement is executed �y and deli,vered <br /> to the current owners of t.he System on or before Septen�er 7, ].999, <br /> • the zoning chan3e descrihed above a�d in Past 5 of this Agreement is <br /> adogted by �he Town of Ci�apel Hill on or ]�efore Januazy l, 2Q00 and is <br /> etfective on or before Jannaxy I., Z(300 and the Greene Tract Owners <br /> • have, on or •be�ore January .1, 2A00, agreed an t3Ze of the <br /> pxoperty described in �sxhil�3t E• T3ie shali .take actions <br /> provided far in this Agreement, or which may otherwise be necessary or <br /> appro�riate, in a timely fashion. to permit the �ounty's assumptzon of <br /> • so�id waste responsibility on tha e� da.te. <br /> 2. The Parties wi7.I dela.ver Svla.3 Y,Taste aud Coun�y Recyc�ables to . <br /> the Systam. . . • <br /> The Caunty and the Towns all agree to deliver� oz cause- to be <br /> delivered, to- System Management Facilzties for disposal or processing, <br /> xespectively, all Salid Wa.ste and County Recyolables under their • <br /> respective control. This delivery obligation includes {withoist _ <br /> 1�mitation} all Solid Waste and County� collected by a�y <br /> Pa.�ty's etnployees, Solid waste, collection •contractoxsr solid wa�ta <br /> collection la.censees or solid waste COI.Z�C�kOIl fra.nchisees. There is <br /> no such- obl�gation to dsliver Other Reayclab�es. All Solid Was�e and <br /> County Recyclab3es delivered to System Management Facilities, or to <br /> Covnty emgloyees, so�id waste�ion contractors, solid vraste <br /> collecti.on licensees or solid wasta co] fxanchisees, or <br /> properly placed in a d�signated containex at a canvenience center, <br /> will be Covnty property upon such delivery. <br /> 3 • <br />