Orange County NC Website
- 25 <br /> � notice be giuen �o more than one Party� the effe�t�ve date of the noti�e <br /> w%21 be the last date on which aotice is� deemed given to any reqvired , <br /> • Party. <br /> No �ird Part�v^ Banafrciar�es. Nathing exPressed or ituglied in tha.s <br /> �e���� ��iY ga:v� a,n.y person other than the Parties any rights to <br /> ' enforee any provi.sion of this Agxeeme�-. There are no intended third-partY <br /> beneficiaries ot t3�is Agz'eement. � <br /> S.c�n,.i.Pa3, oF �o-�en.aats. AlI covenants, repxese�tatioxLS and <br /> warran�ies u�de by the Parties •in this- Agreement s�l survive tha <br /> deliver� of this Agrectnent. . <br /> Severabilitv. Sf any provision of �th�s Agreement s}aa.11 be held <br /> invalid or cuienfo�ceahle by an.y aou�'� a-f,� competent jurisdiction, such <br /> holding sha17- not invalida�e or render ttxsen�orceal3le any other pzovision <br /> o� this Agreem�ent. } , <br /> • • • � <br /> ' $ntire Con�raa�c. Tha.s Agreement_s� including the "xh.ibits. <br /> cansta.tutes the en.ti�e aSreeTnant between the Parties with respect to its <br /> s�bj�ct tnatter. 'F . <br /> �ountervarts. Agr•eement may be signed in several couaterpar�s, <br /> • inc3.uding separat� counterparts. �ach uri7.I be an ariginal, 3�u� a11 of them <br /> ta�eth�z Cons�itute the same zns�rument. <br /> 3Zecordahle k�orm. As �this Agreemen.0 limit.s the Pasti�s` rights ta <br /> disgose af their- xespeata.v,e awuersh�.p interests in the Gree�e 7.`ract, any <br /> par�y rnay caus-e this Agreement to •be fiied in the real praperty records in <br /> the office of the Register of �eeds o� Orange Covnty: • <br /> � y7i��i,dra�va�,. �ny Party rnay wit:hti�'aw �xorn� this X�greement {and therel3y � <br /> cease �o be a 1'arty to �-s Ags'eem��� v-p°� notice given to all the other <br /> Pax-ties and subject to the following addit3onal provisions: <br /> (�} A withdrawal ina.�' be effective only upon the beginsiing of a <br /> �iscal Yaa�• A Tow�n may �ri.thdraw a�-Y k'i� at least one year`s notice. The <br /> �ount�, ma,y w-i.thdraw only a� 7.eas� two years'" notice. <br /> (b) No wi�thdrawal will relieve a. Party of its obligations vnder �� <br /> 2 so �ong as tl3.ere is System Debt Outstandiz�g; providerir hawever, <br /> System Debt first issued or contracted after the date a Partg gives noti.ce <br /> a� withdrawal will ba disregaxded fnr the pvxposes of. this paragraph. <br /> � (cj No withdrawal will relieve any Pasty of its indivi.dual <br /> liab�.lity. if any, vnder envixonn►ental 7�av�rs or otherwise, related trs its <br /> use or own�rshig of the Systean which may accrv.e or which has <br /> accrued pziox to the effective date of s�.ch Party's withdx'awal. <br /> 21 <br />