Orange County NC Website
� 22 <br /> - nR���s�es�.t ,Smou�t" means, (I) a,zi th� o� tlispa�ition to a <br /> ' North GaroJ.ina locaY government that is also a Party, so Iong as thaj <br /> government devotes the transferred partion to public pusposes, <br /> $608,823, be�.ng the original purchase P�1ce o� the Greene Tract, <br /> � �nultiplied (b� b� a fx�aation, the �um�ra�ox of which is the nvmber -of <br /> vrhole acres -� the -Greene �ract being di.spos�d and the.denomi.nator of <br /> sahich is 169-, plws (c) uncompounded interest on the produat vf (a} � , <br /> a <br /> tb� a� the an�.�.al rate o� �.fl�p_ �rom A'Iar� 30, 1984, ta the effective <br /> � �:ate of any clisPosition, and (23 i.n the case of any other dis�osa.�ion, <br /> the grea�er of either �(aj the Reimbursement Amoun� to- a North Carolina <br /> loca7. gove�nent that is also a Party� or (b� the net proceeds of a <br /> ' sale- after �ha ccsts o€ the sale.are p�i.�. <br /> � "Soljd i�aste" mea�s all materiaYs a�ep�ed by tha �ovnty� for <br /> disgasa3: a� System Management 1�acil�.tiesf as �he sa�a may be <br /> established and -amended from time to 'time uudez the SoJ-id Aaste <br /> Ma�ageme�at plan a.nd Policies (subject ta. tha provisions of Part 2 <br /> which authorize �e� £ov.nty ta refuse t�' accept for disposal �y <br /> •matexial or substance �+rhich the County reason�.b7.y detez�ines �s baxred <br /> frarn such disposal by any applicab�e Liaw ar regulatiou • or the <br /> restriction.� ot any permit? � other thaa Cai�nty Recyckables. <br /> . :� ' . <br /> "3o.Izd Was�e Management PYan aad Po��cies� means, the cambina�ion <br /> o£ (a} the Integra�ced Solid Waste Management Plan., and a11 future <br /> inod�fications o� that Flaa, which is tha repor� submi'tted pursuant to <br /> law to 'S�ate authoxitxes describing t� long-taxm plan for solid waste <br /> managementr vrh�.ah �he County, as des:ignated ].ead agency, files on <br /> bP�+aY� a� the Caurity and th.e Towns, and (b? the Solid Waste Management <br /> Dpli�ies� are, coZlectively, a11 policies related to the System <br /> a11d coord�na�ed waste managemen-t for the Co�nty� tha towns and <br /> the pers�xL.s and organization.s in their jvrisdictions,• as the same may � <br /> from tinte to tiuie (including aI.1 such policies in effect as of <br /> ' the date oi this Agreement)�. -The tenn "5alid. Waste Nanageinent Plan and <br /> pa7.zcies" thareby encompasses all polic�+' choices, as in �ffect from <br /> t�me to time, relatzd to the tnanagem�n.t and ogeration of tha 5ystem. <br /> n�tat-e� means the State of 2�orth Carolina, <br /> n�ys�emn meaz�,g aIl assets, including -both real and personal <br /> gropexty, used from �o time in the caz�.duct• of tha functions of <br /> collecting aud. px'oces�sing Couuty &eaYclables, reducing solid waste, <br /> disposing of Solid �Waste and. mulching, composting and ra-uszng Solid <br /> ' �a.ste� and ineludes bofi� (a) the Existing System �ssets and {b) aYl <br /> moneys an.d investments re�ated to sach f�s►ctians. , <br /> . as�,stem 3�ebt" means all obligations for payrnents o� prin.cipal and <br /> interest with respeat to bor*_'owed money inc�rred or assumed by the <br /> Covnty in conn.e�tion with th-� ownership or Dperation of the Systera, <br /> withaut regard to the form of the traasaction, and spacifically <br /> including �eases or similar fissancig9 a5z'�ements which are required ta <br /> be capitalized in accorr2ance with generally accepted accounting <br /> pri?sciples . System Debt is '��` at a�I. �imss after it is <br /> ' �.ssue3 or cantracted vntil it is paid. <br /> . . � �$ <br />