Orange County NC Website
- � � 14 <br /> . ,, ,.� � . <br /> . The Pa.xties note the expected � r�port of the �andfa.11 � <br /> Corcanun�-tY Benefits Cctmaittee tha.t has bee� stt�dying the qusstian of <br /> ' co�anun.ity �benefkts. Upon the release of the repart. eaCh Paxtl' Sha�.I <br /> ' pxov-ide for its Governiug Baaxd to the x,rorking gxnupTs pzoposaJ. <br /> for commvna.tY bexiefits, and shall provide �for such legal aud other <br /> sta�f analysia o� �he proposed as it may deem appxogriate <br /> ' (especiall� incJ.uding legal analysis con�er�.ing the use of �ystetit furids <br /> to pay t�.s costs of s��h benezits) . A.fter each Partv has -conzpleted its <br /> own analysis, the Par�ies �shaZl work �agether, diligently and in good <br /> �aith, to xeach an agr�em�nt as to com�nnnity b�n.efits ta be provided_ <br /> The praeese of deter.nining co�+�nity �e�nefits shall. continue to include <br /> participation, by persons belonging to t}�e relevant commwai�y• Fina7: <br /> determinations of the pt�blic I�ezsefits to be provic�ed, the sources o� <br /> £inaixcing and the me�haAisms -for providing the_benefi.ts, however, sha11 <br /> be made aniy bj� -further agreement of all the Parties. <br /> . The parties state their prefexence tha�'benefits be- financed from <br /> . � 3ystem fund's to the extent p°raiitted by law.� 'Po the e�tent pernv:tted by . <br /> lava and by generalZ}� accepted accounting';%principles, to the ext�nt <br /> detexmined by the Pa�rties and notwiths�an�-n.5 aAY other p�ovision of <br /> this Agreement, the costs of pro'�ciding publ;�c benefits as descxibed ir- . <br /> this Part 6 rnay he treat�d as an- exgense ot the Systera and may-be paid <br /> �rom Systern Revenues. ' <br /> .The pvbl.ic bea�efits contemglated by this Section are to be <br /> considered as separate and distinct £rom aay compensation, deCermin.ed to <br /> be owed for any «taking" o� � �fi�'est ia progerty as detezznin.ed by <br /> S�ate or federal 1��. ' <br /> 7, : The parties_ wzl.l estabXish an. adviso�y board_ . . <br /> The Parties hezeby establish the Orange CoLn.ty Solicl Waste <br /> ' Nianagement Advisory Baaxd. to advise the County's Governing Board ork <br /> ma�ters related to the System as�.d the Soli.d Waste Manage�ent an-d <br /> Policies. Tha Advisoxy Board shall mee� for �he first time not latex' <br /> than Novetnber 1, 1999, on the call o� the meml�ers appointed by �he <br /> County. ' � � � <br /> . . The Parties will continue to wox'k tbzough the existing Lanc�ill <br /> qwners' Group ("LOG") on mattex's af solid waste manag�ment policy and <br /> " operations until the Advisory Board be�nc to meet. `i"he LQG shal.�. . <br /> cnntinue to operate by consensv.s� but the Par�ies intend tha� the LOG <br /> shal�. make no recpmmendations for major tinan-azaT cammitments vntil 1t <br /> dissol.vea or is replaced by the Advisory' Baard. � . <br /> � �ach Party shall appa'int •�wa members �o the Advisory �oa--'�'d. <br /> Exhibit � sets forth details the Advisory Board-'s <br /> r�sponsibilities and the px'oceduxes that i� sb.all follow, and also sets <br /> �orfi� the Parties` agreamen.t as to the agpointment and te�ns of o�fice <br /> a� Advisory Board members. <br /> 10 � <br />