Orange County NC Website
. 12 <br /> , : � . . <br /> - 5. �he Grast�.a Tract wa.11 remain a i�.at�si asset. Sixty acres o� the <br /> P,reane �ract �rill be resarved fo�c salid waste mauageme�.t • <br /> �uxposes. and�the fihrae owner� wi�l waz-k togethar to detexmine <br /> "tiie ul�ima.te use of t�is �emaindar-. <br /> The Parties 'agree t1�at the Greene Tract re�nains a landfill asset. <br /> -Chapel Hill, Carrboro and tha County (the "Greene Tract Ownerstt) � <br /> will. txansfsr 'to �he �County title to tha� partion of the Greene :.'rac�, <br /> descxibed on �xhi}�it �, �r,rhich contain�s appro�cin�tely sixty acres_.. The <br /> ' Co,�nty may use the gzogerty describecl. an ��ibit � for Syetem <br /> puspnses. The Conn.ty states its •current inten�ion .not to bvxy mixed <br /> solid waste or construction and denwlztion waste ou'any portion of the <br /> Greene Tzact. �he Cot+.�ty states ite recommendation to �u�u.ze Covnty ' <br /> ���m.�.gg g-aards that the Covnty ma�e no such �urial. <br /> The deed ta this pxo�erty zar'i3.7.' inalude ra' res+�ra�c�ion prohibiting <br /> th� use of the propes�y desczibed on �i.}�itt F for �vxying mixed sola..d <br /> waste or• co�,struction and demoliti.on waste s' This restrietio�a beaomes <br /> effeative �tt the same ti�.ie �hat the zoning cha.nga dascribed in the <br /> n�c� paragraph i.s effsc�ive, , nnd it wi11 remain �=fective so as <br /> yo��cg xemains effect�ve which a1l.ows so�id .was�e manage�en� uses, <br /> other tfian bvrial. ot mixed solid waste or construc�ion �a ae�,oi���on <br /> wa.ster as perrnittec3 uses as described in the next paragraph. <br /> Chapel H3.1J. agrees to commenCe, a.�d states its cu�ent intent to <br /> complete. �he . prooess to make- Solid waste managemexit uses no� <br /> in�lud�.n.g b.urial of 'mixad so�.id waste or construata,an and deznoli�ion <br /> waste, but express7.y includi_ng, b�st not limited to, a salid waste <br /> transfer facility and a matexials recovery �aoility; ��es o� the � <br /> �xhibit F; px'ogerty "permittad" uses vnder T?he Chapel Iizll Devel.opment <br /> Cou:e/ordinance, subjeat o�niy to staff lev'el si�e plan aszd aimilas . <br /> re�iews a.r�d not subject to special use or similar processes. Chapel <br /> Hill a�rees to provide the otTier with a plan, a <br /> plaruied schedule of reviews and • appxovals, � ta process the zoning • , <br /> change descxzbed ixa, thzs paxagraph. . <br /> Ti�.e Pax�ties agree tha-t nothinJ that they have agzeed �o herein <br /> constztutes an agxeement ozs. the part of ChaPel T3211 tp zane the <br /> �u�ibit E property �n� a. paxti�ulax vraY. It is i.nstead, an agreement <br /> that if ti�.e �ibit � property is zo�ed s not�zoned in. a particular <br /> wi�l fol.low and if tha �it E px'opexty <br /> �- way anot.her event wi].i follaw. • � <br /> Tha- Tract Owners agree �o bargain together in �good faith <br /> and with al�. due diligenCe, and to use their r�spective best ef�orts, <br /> to determine an. ulta�mate use or disposition a� the remainder of �.he <br /> Greene Tract as soon as possible ' a�zd in any event by December 31, <br /> 2p0I; or two years atter tY�e effective dater whichever is later. <br /> During this '�baxgaining period," no Gree�e Traat Owner shall make any <br /> use of the remai�-ing portian of the Greene Traat without the consent <br /> of the other Greene 2xaet Owners. . <br /> . 8 • <br />