Orange County NC Website
10 <br /> . , ; . , . <br /> ' (2l 2`he Coun�y may de�rease the Mixed Solid Waste Tipping Fee <br /> from time to time in 9.ts discreti.on, without prior natice to or action <br /> by an.y othex party,. xhe County v.il3. promptly notify the other Paxties• <br /> o� any deerease in tha Mixed So�id Waste Tipping Fee. . <br /> Governmen�al FeES� (1) zf the County determines that i.t is or <br /> � ma.y be. a-d.visable to create �and iuipose any Governm�nta3. Fee, �hen the <br /> Covnt� wili give at leas� 30 days` notice of the Qroposed Govexnmente-7- <br /> Fee t-o the ather Parties. A Gflverntnental. L��ee maY thea be imposed anly <br /> � if the C2H�10ZL . 3I1C� i« osition of tgovernmerita3. Fee is <br /> sv�s�quen�ly app�oved b� the �Cot:.nty and at ].east o�.e � of the , <br /> • largest two- (bY �opu�-ation) ].ocal govsrnme.nt Parties. A. new <br /> Gover���tal Fee wilZ take effect a� tha end of the notice period or, <br /> if later, the' da�e af tha �ast �overning Body appraval neceasaYy fax <br /> it to take ef�ect. , <br /> (2) T'he County tnay_ inarease any individiia.l Gflverzxmental Fee� from. . <br /> time ta time in its cU.scxetiori with a� le.a�s� 30 days' notice of the . <br /> � in�crease to a13. other Parties. The County may not, 'however, i.ncrease <br /> ' any individual -Gavernmen�al Fee during or� at the beginni�-ig of anY <br /> -Fiscal Year'ta a fes that exceeds the fee ir� ef€eat at the end ef the <br /> � �re�eding Fiscal Year by utoze than 10�, wi�hout the prior aonseat of <br /> aYl the ather Parties. The ParCies intend and agree �hat the County <br /> sha1Z endeavor ta adjust any and a7.3: G°vernme���� fi�es °n]'y annus'1.Yy' <br /> � with changes becoming ef�ective � onZg at the begiizning of a Riscal <br /> Year. <br /> • (3�) T?ie County may decrease any Governmen.ta]. Fee from time to <br /> tzme in. its discre�ionT without prior notice to or actzon by any other <br /> party, Tha Covnty wi11 gromptly notifg '�he other Parties of -any <br /> decrease in any Governmental Fea. <br /> fees. .(1y �`his section. to xates, fees or charges- <br /> that the County may areate or chan5e, o�her than the Mixed Solid Waste <br /> T�.pping Fee and Governmental Fees. This section applies to any County <br /> proposa3. to create, increase or decrea'se an availability fee_ This <br /> • section does not apply to any proposal to impose or cha.nge any special <br /> district tax zelated to the System; ins�ead, the generally applicab�e <br /> lav�r sha�l govexn any such px'ppasal. �he• Parties note that 23ort?�. <br /> Carolina law cuxrently raqu�res a Town' s consent to incI.ude any. area <br /> �,,����� t�� �own,s avxisdi.ctian, urithin a special �axing cli.strzct, but <br /> that the County contro7.s the rate of an� special district tax in its <br /> di-s cret ion. � <br /> � (2} If the Caunty detertnines tha.t �it is or maY be advisable to <br /> create, �ncrease ar decrease any rate, fee or charge covered by .this <br /> section, then the Covnt� wi13. give at least 30 cl.ays� notice of the . <br /> praposed change ta the other Parties, and the Caunty will reguest that <br /> the Advisory Board con.sider the proposed change. �f fihe Advisory <br /> ' Board recommends tha� the change be approved, thexz the change may take <br /> effect �if the County subsequently appxoves it.� If the A�.visory Boasd <br /> recomrnend.s �hat the change not bs a�proved, then the change may take - <br /> . effect nnly if the County a.rid at leas� one other Party subseqtfen�ly <br /> 6 <br />