Orange County NC Website
2 <br />Proposed Purpose, Composition and Function of Orange County's Reformulated <br />Economic Development Advisory Board <br />Prepared for January 24, 2012 BOCC Meeting <br />Purpose of Reformulated Economic Development Advisory Board <br />The purpose of the Orange County Economic Development Advisory Board (Board) will be to <br />work cohesively with the County's Economic Development staff and their economic <br />development partners to position Orange County as a competitive location for business <br />opportunities. <br />Process for Creation of New Economic Development Advisory Council <br />A selection process will be developed in conjunction with the new advisory board guidelines <br />recently discussed by the Orange County Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) to ensure the <br />selection of candidates that will be actively engaged in furthering the County's economic <br />development program. Orange County Economic Development staff will work with their <br />Economic Development partners (Chambers of Commerce, other area Economic Development <br />practitioners, and local business leaders) to identify potential Advisory Board members. <br />It is anticipated that the selected members will serve no more than two 3 year terms. Specific, <br />time-limited task forces may be created, either from Board members or from informed County <br />citizens, to study specific issues. It is anticipated that the formation of the Board will coincide <br />with the initiation of the Quarter cent sales tax proceeds, which are expected start accruing <br />mid-2012. Appointments to the Board could start as early as Spring 2012, with initial <br />membership limited to 5 to 9 individuals. Meetings would be held at least quarterly. <br />Composition of New Economic Development Advisory Council <br />Advisory board member would ideally have a direct or indirect background in economic <br />development, and be actively involved in promoting business. Candidates should either live in <br />Orange County, have invested in Orange County, or have a direct economic development <br />interest in Orange County. <br />Representatives from the following sectors would be targeted for inclusion into the initial Board <br />composition: <br />• Members of the County's core business community, including banking, construction, <br />manufacturing, architecture, real estate, legal, development, utility management, etc. <br />• The advisory board should ideally include one person who represents aericulture; <br />• An individual actively involved in entrepreneur activities; <br />Page 1 of 2 <br />