Minutes - 20020513
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 20020513
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8/14/2008 4:49:47 PM
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8/13/2008 2:01:26 PM
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3. Proposed CHCCS 750 Student High School -Commissioner Halkiotis reported an the <br />High School Planning task farce meeting that took place today at noon. <br />4. Hillsborough Elementary Renovations -A note from Superintendent Randy Bridges <br />indicated that the plans for these renovations are not final at this time so it would be <br />difficult for him to outline project details at this time. Commissioner Gordon said that she <br />wants to discuss why a new administrative office is necessary. She questioned why the <br />Orange County schools were adding more seats to Hillsborough Elementary when they <br />already have 924 seats available for elementary students. <br />5. Pre-K -Chair Jacobs added daycare to this topic. The question is should the schools be <br />dedicating elementary classroom space to Pre-K programs and daycare or are there more <br />efficient options to accommodate Pre-K children and daycare services. <br />6. Durham Technical Community College D( TCC) - In answer to the question about DTCC <br />allowing high school students who are 16-18 years old attend classes, they will take some <br />students this age but their philosophy is that these kids should finish high school. The <br />average age of the student body at DTCC is 31 years. <br />7. Sportsplex -The County Commissioners were told that the proposed CIP includes <br />funding to continue Orange County's support beyond the originally agreed upon 10 years. <br />This is a policy issue and the Board of County Commissioners should discuss whether it <br />wishes to change previously approved policy which states that the County will pay <br />$400,000 per year for a total of ten years. The issue that needs to be discussed is whether <br />we want this to remain a public pool for the citizens of Orange County and how that could <br />be accomplished. After a brief discussion, the County Commissioners decided that they <br />would leave the $400,000 per year contribution for this facility in the budget but that they <br />would ask the staff to do an analysis to determine if this is the best deal for providing this <br />kind of facility for the citizens of central and northern Orange County. <br />8. Jointly Funded Town Park Project Pages -Donna Dean Hated that Chapel Hill has <br />provided the figures for their contribution toward these projects. John Link said that he will <br />provide additional information on the acreage of the property at a later time. <br />9. Priority Projects for Next Fiscal Year <br />10. Lands Leaacy <br />11. Potential Schedule for Issuing November 2001 Bond and Alternative Financing - <br />John Link said that the budget cuts by the State may have an impact on these three items. <br />Chair Jacobs noted that there is $1 million bond money for Lands Legacy and $500,000 for <br />conservation easements. Donna Dean said that there is also $500,000 available from pay- <br />as-you-go monies. <br />Commissioner Gordon said that the Lands Legacy money in the bond was $7 million and that <br />conservation easements were separate. She asked that conservation easements be separated out and done <br />in another color on the chart. <br />Commissioner Carey made reference to accelerating the sale of bonds for the Lands Legacy <br />program causing other items to be put on hold and asked if this was something the County Commissioners <br />need to discuss. He said that although he feels that accelerating bonds for Lands Legacy is so much more <br />important than other items he is still not convinced that we should pursue the acceleration. <br />
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