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2 <br />Some key activity ideas expressed by local residents included: <br />• County services continuing to be offered in some form at the site; <br />• Meeting room/community center; <br />• Potentially, an Emergency Services base station. <br />Further, small group members agreed the County should solicit public input from other residents <br />in the area. Various means to do so were discussed including, but not limited to, distribution via: <br />mail; some method of surveying preferences (such as Survey Monkey) via the Internet; and <br />flyers in local stores, churches and other community organizations. <br />An open house at the Northern Human Services site is also recommended in order to share <br />ideas and provide a direct avenue for feedback from residents. Based on this discussion, a <br />timeline of possible activities, including atwo-part public input plan, is attached for the Board's <br />comment. <br />The small group discussed a number of ownership options, including leasing or selling the <br />building to a private or other non-profit group. However, staff has learned that deed covenants <br />from the 1976 property conveyance from the Orange County Board of Education to Orange <br />County will require the land and uses of the land to remain `fora public purpose'. <br />In the facility evaluation and subsequent discussion, staff has refined the most likely project <br />possibilities and recommends that two options be identified and discussed with the community <br />residents: <br />Deconstruction/demolition of the existing facility (following a thorough documentation for <br />historic preservation purposes), with future construction of a new public facility (in a future <br />year to be determined as part of the CIP) that would include a "community center" similar to <br />that existing at Efland-Cheeks Park, and perhaps other components to be determined; or <br />Deconstruction/demolition of the existing building wings, and retention and renovation of a <br />core center area, possibly including the gymnatorium and cafeteria (in a future year to be <br />determined as part of the CIP). <br />Staff is prepared to commence a formal public input effort, following a discussion regarding <br />general parameters that should be followed when formulating the project possibilities with the <br />community. <br />The attached facility assessment provides an overview of the facility's status. <br />FINANCIAL IMPACT: The FY 2011-16 CIP includes $250,000 to fund removal of the building <br />and grading/seeding of the site in preparation for future use. There is no current funding in the <br />CIP for new construction or renovation of the facility as listed in the two options above, these <br />would need to be added to the future CIP if desired. <br />RECOMMENDATION(S): The Manager recommends that the Board discuss the proposed <br />timeline and plan of action, make any changes as needed, and instruct staff to begin the public <br />input and project activity process. <br />