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11 <br />Possible Timeline of Activity and Public Input Process <br />Northern Human Services Center Project <br />REVISED DRAFT 12/19/11 <br />• Communicate public meetings by mailing to owners within one mile of property, persons who <br />were on Cedar Grove Park master plan interest list to solicit attendance at input session and <br />open house by mail. <br />• Send flyer/mailing out 7-10 days in advance. <br />• Post meeting flyers to web site and distribute flyers in community stores and place on marquee <br />sign, encourage those who receive mailing to invite other interested parties. <br />• Open House (March) to use large group presentation, and small group discussions and questions <br />to consider the two options (two 60-minute `drop-in/drop-out' sessions, one at 6:00 and repeat <br />at 7:00, to allow flexibility for public schedules). Survey disseminated. <br />• Public input session (June) to present options and recommended option, receive feedback <br />(facilitated, small groups, reporting to large group). <br />• Hold information session December 2012 to keep public informed on upcoming activities <br />(courtesy update). <br />August-October 2011 Staff reviews information to date, CIP, outlines data needed for project and <br /> develops public outreach outline. Four preliminary options identified. <br />November 2, 2011 Staff small group meets with 4-5 community leaders for brief overview and <br /> status, thoughts on community involvement process. <br />December, 2011- Staff working team meets to receive report from focus group meeting, <br />January, 2012 discuss outreach plan, framework of proposed process and options, and <br /> survey questions. <br />January 24, 2012 Report to BOCC on Proposed Public Outreach Plan (including draft survey) <br /> and recommended options to BOCC. <br />February, 2012 Staff refines the two options for project, creates conceptual (bubble) <br /> drawings, and implements public outreach. <br />Early March 2012 Public Open House held to review site overview (limitations) and brief <br /> history, proposed options, receive feedback, and distribute survey. <br />March -April 2012 Further distribute survey to those not present; collect survey results <br />April 2012 Staff uses open house public input, analysis and survey results to further <br /> develop plans for the options. <br />May 15, 2012 Project option plans and draft recommended option presented to BOCC for <br /> initial review prior to Public Input Session. <br />June 2012 Public Input Session held to review recommended plan, as modified by <br /> BOCC, receive community feedback. (CIP confirmation of whether initial <br /> deconstruction/demolition is a project for FY 12-13). <br />