Orange County NC Website
REs -a01 a - ODQ <br />4 <br />ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br />RESOLUTION <br />Approval of Agricultural Conservation Easement between <br />Orange County and the Eno River Association <br />and <br />Dennis and Linda Brooks <br />WHEREAS, agriculture in Orange County is an important facet of the economy and time <br />honored way of life in the County; and <br />WHEREAS, Orange County has an adopted goal promoting the preservation of farmland in <br />the County; and <br />WHEREAS, one component of the Lands Legacy Program is the acquisition of conservation <br />easements on prime farmland within water supply watersheds; and <br />WHEREAS, the Brooks farm includes approximately 114 acres in the Upper Eno River <br />protected watershed, consists of a majority of prime agricultural soils, and is located in an <br />agricultural community with good access to farm markets; and <br />WHEREAS, Orange County and the Eno River Association have agreed to collaborate on the <br />joint acquisition of a conservation easement that will protect the prime farmland and riparian <br />corridors that exist on the Brooks farm with a conservation easement; and <br />WHEREAS, matching funds have been earmarked for this project from the Upper Neuse <br />Clean Water Initiative, the Healthy Forests program, and the Town of Hillsborough to help <br />purchase the agricultural and watershed protection conservation easement; and <br />WHEREAS, a conservation easement on this approximately 114 acres would ensure the <br />preservation of this farmland for future generations and help to compensate the owners for <br />this long -term commitment; <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Orange County Board of Commissioners <br />does hereby 1) accept on behalf of Orange County the agricultural and watershed protection <br />conservation easement to land owned by Dennis and Linda Brooks; 2) approve the execution <br />of this conservation easement agreement with Dennis and Linda Brooks, in accordance with <br />the terms of the proposed easement agreement, subject to final review by staff and the <br />County Attorney; 3) authorize the Chair and the Clerk to sign the easement agreement on <br />behalf of the Board, with a closing to occur on or about February 28, 2012; and 4) authorize <br />County staff to sign any and all closing documents upon consultation with the County <br />Attorney. <br />This the 24th day of January, 2012. <br />Bernadette Pelissier, Chair <br />Orange County Board of Commissioners <br />Donna Baker, Clerk to the Board <br />