Orange County NC Website
6 <br />ARTICLE TWO <br />The Coiulty agrees to execute its responsibilities identified in its Amended CDBG Application <br />to CI dated , 20_, and within the times set forth therein. The county also agrees to <br />meet Capacity Buildiig deliverables and demonstrate enhanced local goverrunent capacity as <br />outlined in the amended Grant Agreement and Funding Approval. <br />ARTICLE THREE <br />The County agrees to provide amended CDBG grant funds to NCSC in the anlount <br />of $ (less up to 10% administration}. This grant will be used by NCSC to <br />undertake activities, including but not limited to the following: <br />- Grant Writing and Technical Assistance <br />- Coirununity Survey Research aiid.Design <br />- Entrepreneurial acid Small Business Tecluiical Assistance <br />- Feasibility Study Assistance and Preparation <br />- Economic Impact Analyses <br />- Business Plan Development' <br />- Community Design Assistance <br />- Sustainable Technology Design Assistance <br />- Sustainability Planning , <br />ARTICLE FOUR <br />1. Each party shall keep aild maintain books, records and other documents relating to the <br />receipi and. disbursement of grant funds and the fiilfiIlment of this Agreement. <br />?. Each party agrees that any authorized. representative of the county, CI, the United States <br />Department of Housiig and Urban Development, the Comptroller General of the United States shall, or <br />other entity at reasonable times, have access to aild the right to inspect, copy, examine acid audit all of <br />the books, records aiid other documents relating to the CDBG Grant and the fulfillment of ties <br />Agreement for a period of du-ee (~) years following completion of all close-out procedures <br />respecting the Amended CDBG Grant aild the final. settlement and conclusion of all issues arising out <br />of tlje Commtuity Development Project. <br />3. Notwithstanding anything herein to the contrary, the parties hereto aclaiowledge die due <br />execution of a Amended CDBG Agreement between dle County and CI. The Amended CDBG <br />