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ORANGE COUNTY <br />BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS <br />ACTION AGENDA ITEM ABSTRACT <br />Meeting Date: January 24, 2012 <br />Action Agenda <br />Item No. 5 - r <br />SUBJECT: Correction to Ordinance 2011-036 -Class II Kennels/Riding Stables <br />DEPARTMENT: Planning and Inspections PUBLIC HEARING: (Y/N) No <br />ATTACHMENT(S): <br />Corrected UDO Text Amendment <br />INFORMATION CONTACT: <br />Michael D. Harvey, Planner III, 245-2597 <br />Craig Benedict, Director, 245-2575 <br />PURPOSE: To adopt a revised Ordinance amending the UDO to correct a staff error. <br />BACKGROUND: On October 18, 2011 the BOCC adopted Ordinance # 2011-036, which <br />involved splitting the Class II Kennels/Riding Stables into separate land use categories. The <br />goal of the amendment was not to modify or alter existing review/approval processes, but to split. <br />the uses into separate categories to eliminate several identified contradictions. <br />While reviewing the adopted Ordinance, staff discovered an error associated with the review <br />and approval processes for a Class I Kennel operation. <br />A Class. I Kennel operation is ..allowed as a permitted .use of property. Within the. Table of <br />Permitted Uses (hereafter `the Table') of the UDO, such uses are denoted within an asterisk <br />(hereafter `*'). <br />Within Section 3 of the adopted Ordinance, the letter `B' was incorrectly placed in the Table <br />detailing the various zoning districts where a Class I Kennel was allowed. The letter `B' within <br />the Table denotes a permitted use subject to the issuance of a Class B Special Use Permit <br />(hereafter `SUP'). As a result of the error, a Class I Kennel, which is supposed to be permitted <br />by right would now be required to obtain an SUP prior to commencing operations. This was not <br />the intent of the Ordinance nor was it advertised as a change. <br />Staff is seeking to correct this error by having the Board adopt a corrected Ordinance that will <br />continue to allow for a Class I Kennel to be a permitted use of property. <br />FINANCIAL IMPACT: The approval of this request will not create the need for additional <br />funding for the provision of County services. <br />RECOMMENDATION(S): The Manager recommends the Board adopt the corrected <br />Ordinance amending the UDO as detailed by staff. <br />