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2 <br />b. Compliance with Access Management Plans: <br />Subdivision of land abutting a roadway for which the Board of County <br />Commissioners has approved recommendations from a plan or corridor <br />study is subject to provisions of the approved corridor plan or study. <br />1. In such cases, the subdivider shall provide any improvements or <br />other means to ensure construction recommended in such plan or <br />corridor study. Such improvements may include facilities for <br />bicycles, sidewalks, and public transportation. <br />2. The subdivider, in cases where the recommendations address <br />access management, shall use design elements recommended in <br />the plan or corridor study to reduce conflict points. <br />ii. Policies prescribed in Phase V of the Access Management Awareness <br />Project and Report, or other adopted studies of strategies, shall be <br />considered during subdivision and site plan review to assess access <br />management and other corridor design considerations. <br />c. Coordinated Street System: <br />i. All subdivisions shall have a coordinated street system with public or <br />private streets that access a public municipal street or a public State <br />maintained street in accordance with the following: <br />1. Public street rights-of-way shall abut adjacent properties as <br />necessary to provide connectivity to the countywide transportation <br />network; and <br />2. Lot access to streets serving the subdivision shall be limited in the <br />case of streets that provide a link between two or more roads <br />designated in the Comprehensive Plan as arterials or collectors. <br />3. All subdivisions shall have at least one street that intersects with <br />or joins a public municipal street, or a public State maintained <br />street. <br />2. The Board of Commissioners make a finding that the request was compliant with the <br />provisions of Section 7.8.2 Public Streets -Where Required of the UDO, namely: <br />a. The subdivision streets would be accepted by the State for maintenance if: <br />i. They are built in a manner which satisfies the minimum State design and <br />construction criteria for subdivision streets; and <br />ii. They would satisfy other requirements for addition to the State <br />maintenance system, including, but not limited to, the general density <br />standard of at least two occupied residences for each one-tenth of a mile <br />of subdivision street; or <br />b. The subdivision streets extend existing streets which are public; or <br />c. The subdivision streets are part of a development which is located in an area <br />designated as Urban or Transition by the Orange County Comprehensive Plan; <br />or <br />