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WHEREAS, through the Taste of Hope Customer Assistance Program, OWASA customers can have <br /> their monthly bills automatically rounded up to the nearest dollar as a donation to help <br /> families in need; and <br /> WHEREAS, the Inter-Faith Council for Social Service uses Taste of Hope donations to temporarily help <br /> OWASA customers when they are unable to pay their water/sewer bills; <br /> NOW, THEREFORE, the Orange County Board of Commissioners does hereby proclaim the fifth through <br /> the eleventh of May, two thousand and two as <br /> DRINKING WATER WEEK <br /> in Orange County and urges all citizens to recognize the contributions and service of <br /> water and sewer utilities to our community. <br /> AND FURTHER, the Board of Commissioners encourages OWASA customers to participate as donors <br /> for pennies per month in the Taste of Hope program, and to contact OWASA for <br /> information and to become Taste of Hope donors. <br /> This, the eighth day of May 2002. <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> Angie Smith from OWASA said that the InterFaith Council and OWASA would like to <br /> make a brief public appeal for participation for the Taste of Hope customer assistance program. If a <br /> customer chooses to participate, the customer's bill is rounded up to the nearest dollar. The extra <br /> money goes to help those customers who cannot afford their water bill. <br /> Chris Moran from the InterFaith Council said that the goal is to double the amount of <br /> contributions and participants in the Taste of Hope program. He said that they are seeing more people <br /> than they ever have. He said that at the end of March, 19% more of their clients are employed, 22% <br /> more are receiving public assistance, 10% more are African American, there are 50% more requests for <br /> food, 10% more have been helped with rental assistance, and 19% more have been helped with utilities. <br /> The numbers keep rising. He encouraged the public to join this program. <br /> Commissioner Brown verified that there are 18,000 OWASA customers and only 600 have <br /> signed up for the Taste of Hope program. <br /> 7. PUBLIC HEARINGS - NONE <br /> 8. ITEMS FOR DECISION - CONSENT AGENDA <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Halkiotis, seconded by Commissioner Brown to approve <br /> those items on the Consent Agenda as listed below: <br /> a. Motor Vehicle Property Tax Refunds <br /> The Board approved 93 requests for motor vehicle tax refunds, resulting in a net reduction of <br /> $10,104.13 to Orange County, the towns, and school and fire districts in accordance with the resolution, <br /> which is incorporated herein by reference. <br /> b. Refund of Real Estate Excise Stamps <br /> The Board approved a request for refund of real estate excise stamps paid pursuant the sale <br /> of real property in the amount of$672.00. <br /> C. Audit Contract for June 30, 2002 Fiscal year <br /> The Board approved and authorized the Chair to sign a contract for Cherry, Bekaert and <br /> Holland, certified public accountants, in the amount of$61,000, for audit services for the fiscal year <br /> ending June 30, 2002. <br />