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ORANGE COUNTY <br />BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS <br />ACTION AGENDA ITEM ABSTRACT <br />Meeting Date: January 24, 2012 <br />Action Agenda <br />Item No. ~-- f l <br />SUBJECT: Agreement for County Co-Holding of Conservation Easements with the Eno <br />River Association <br />DEPARTMENT: Environment, Agriculture, <br />Parks & Recreation (DEAPR) <br />PUBLIC HEARING: (Y/N) No <br />ATTACHMENT <br />Proposed Agreement <br />INFORMATION CONTACT: <br />David Stancil, 245-2510 <br />Rich Shaw, 245-2514 <br />John Roberts, 245-2318 <br />PURPOSE: To consider an agreement between Orange County and the Eno River <br />Association for the co-holding of conservation easements. <br />BACKGROUND: The protection of significant natural and cultural resource lands is a <br />longstanding goal of the Board of Commissioners. During the past 12 years that goal has <br />been implemented in part through the County's Lands Legacy Program, with over 2,700 <br />acres protected thus far. One of the methods used by the Lands Legacy Program to protect <br />riparian buffers is through conservation easements with private landowners. <br />The Eno River Association (the "Association") is anon-profit land trust that seeks to protect <br />the natural and cultural assets of the Eno River basin through various means, including the <br />acquisition of conservation easements along the Eno River and its tributaries. <br />In some cases, it would be beneficial (or preferable to interested landowners) for Orange <br />County and the Association to collaborate on the acquisition of conservation easements <br />whose purpose is to protect significant conservation lands in the Upper Eno watershed. For <br />those instances, it would be helpful for both parties to have a written agreement that would <br />clarify and formalize the collaboration. <br />The County Attorney has worked with the attorney for the Association to prepare the attached <br />agreement for the Board of Commissioners and the Association board of directors' <br />consideration and approval. The agreement addresses how jointly held easements would <br />be acquired, financed, managed and enforced. It also addresses how any reimbursement <br />received from federal, state, or private sources for the costs of such easements would be <br />distributed. The County entered into a similar agreement with the Orange Water and <br />Sewer Authority (OWASA) in 2005. <br />