Orange County NC Website
14 <br />(7} DELETED ; <br />(8} To prohibit the burning of any trash of any kind, in or about the building or <br />premises and to keep any rubbish, garbage and waste generated by County <br />from the Demised Premises in proper dumpsters provided by County adjacent to <br />the Demised Premises or such other area designated by Landlord from time to <br />time until such rubbish, garbage and waste is removed from the Shopping <br />Center and to permit no refuse to accumulate around the exterior of the Demised <br />Premises; . <br />(9) DELETED; <br />(10) DELETED; <br />(11) To permit Landlord free access to the Demised Premises at all reasonable <br />times for the purpose of examining or making repairs to the Demised Premises <br />that Landlord may deem necessary or desirable for the safety or preservation <br />thereof; <br />(12) To solicit no business in the Common Areas, nor distribute handbills or <br />other commercial advertising matter to customers, nor place the same in or on <br />automobiles in the Common Areas, nor conduct any promotional activity <br />whatsoever in the Common Areas without the prior written permission of <br />Landlord which such permission will not be unreasonably withheld; <br />(13) To comply with all additional reasonable rules and regulations which <br />Landlord may from time to time establish for the use and care of the Demised <br />Premises and the Common Areas which such rules shall be provided to County <br />thirty (30) days in advance of the effective date of any such rule; <br />(14) NOT USED <br />(15) DELETED; <br />(16) DELETED; <br />(17) To permit Landlord or its agents, during the one hundred and eighty {180} <br />day period preceding the expiration of Lease Term, to show the Demised <br />Premises to potential tenants, and to place on the Demised Premises notices <br />offering the Demised Premises for lease or sale; <br />(18) Any unauthorized roof installations or penetrations by County shall be <br />subject to immediate removal and repair,. at County's sole_costand expense, <br />upon notice from Landlord. Repairs shall be made with materials of equal 'or <br />better quality and by contractors approved by Landlord; <br />(19) County shall, at its sole cost and expense, upon Landlord's reasonable <br />request: (i) temporarily relocate and/or remove County's signage; and/or (ii) <br />modify County's signage to conform to Landlord's signage criteria, then in effect, <br />that applies to the Shopping Center, provided such requirements are uniformly <br />applied to Landlord and all tenants of the Shopping Center and uniformly <br />enforced; <br />(20) County shall, at its sole cost and expense, contract for pest extermination <br />services covering the Demised Premises to be rendered as may be reasonably <br />required by Landlord but no more frequently than two (2) times in any given <br />lease year; County shall not .be responsible for any damage to the Demised <br />Premises caused by termites or other pests whatsoever during any Term of this <br />Lease; <br />(21) NOT USED <br />(22) DELETED <br />(23) To observe all easements and restrictive covenants of record which are <br />applicable to the Shopping Center and which are listed in Exhibit G attached <br />hereto and incorporated herein by reference, provided the same do not prohibit <br />County's Permitted Use of the Demised Premises; <br />(24) DELETED; <br />11 <br />Coanty of Orange, in NortL Carolina - ~illsborongh Commons 07/02/08 ,.,.,... T <br />LORD. 5~~~~ <br />