Orange County NC Website
13 <br />order of a court of competent jurisdiction, letter of credit or other adequate <br />security. <br />(c) If, in an emergency, such repairs are not completed by County, it becomes <br />necessary to make repairs required to be made by Tenant, Landlord may reenter <br />the Demised Premises and proceed to have such repairs made and pay the <br />costs thereof. Tenant shall pay the Landlord the costs of such repairs plus a ten <br />(10) percent administrative fee on demand as Additional Rent. <br />(d} All alterations, additions and improvements to the premises made by County <br />or Landlord shall immediately become the property of Landlord and shall be <br />surrendered with the premises at the termination of the Lease. All trade fixtures <br />installed by County shall be new or completely reconditioned. County may <br />remove said trade fxtures from the Demised Premises from time to time during <br />the Lease term, provided County repairs any damage to the Demised Premises <br />caused by removal of such fixtures. (See Section 37) <br />(e) County shall be permitted to make roof penetrations for the exclusive <br />purpose of installation of skylights and additional day lighting in the Demised <br />Premises. <br />13. USE. County shall use and occupy the Demised Premises for the purposes <br />described in the Basic Lease Provisions only, and for no other purpose. . <br />14. OPENING. DELETED. <br />15. COUNTY'S COVENANTS WITH RESPECT TO OCCUPANCY. <br />County agrees: <br />{1) To occupy the Demised Premises in a safe and careful manner and in <br />compliance with all laws, ordinances, rules, regulations and orders of any <br />governmental bodies having jurisdiction over the Demised Premises, and without <br />` committing or permitting waste;- <br />(2) To neither do nor suffer anything to be done or kept in or about the <br />Demised Premises which contravenes Landlord's insurance policies or increases <br />the premiums therefore; <br />(3) To keep its show or display windows, canopy and electric signs, if any, <br />lighted until at least 9:30 P.M. local time of each day or until thirty (30) minutes <br />after the close of each business day, whichever is the later, <br />{4) To permit no reproduction of sound which is audible outside the Demised <br />Premises, nor permit odors to be unreasonably dispelled from the Demised <br />Premises; <br />(5) To place no sign on the exterior of the Demised Premises or on the interior <br />surface of any windows of the Demised Premises without Landlord's prior written <br />consent and in accordance with the requirements of Exhibit "E" attached hereto. <br />County shall maintain all signs placed upon the Demised Premises by County in <br />good condition and repair. County agrees not to display any commercial; <br />banners, pennants, search lights, window signs, balloons, or similar advertising <br />media on or about the Demised Premises. Upon vacating the Demised <br />Premises, County agrees to remove all signs installed by County and repair all <br />damage caused by such removal in accordance with Section 37, of this Lease; <br />(6) To place no merchandise, sign or other thing of any kind on the sidewalks <br />or other Common Areas adjacent thereto; <br />10 <br />County of Orange, in North Carolina - Hi!]sborongh Commons 07/02/08 INIT7AI S <br />I~1]V~~~t+- <br />RDA ~~ <br />